a day at the beach ;)

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Aly's POV

"What are we doing?" I said frowning in confusion.
"Come on." Max said smiling. Mr.Orion gave us a pass and we walked right out of school. Mac opened the door and helped me into his car. "After you." I hoped in, fixing my dress as I got in.
"Where are we going?"
"The best of places." Max said smiling sweetly. Damn what is going on? "Come on, you can change in the back. Promise I won't look." I took the bag he gave me and looked in to see white jeans and a fancy black shirt and my black converse with red paint stains.
"What is all of this?"
"Clothes,  put them on." I crawled to the back and climbed to the trunk, which was surprisingly roomy and changed. When I came back to the front, Max smiled. I noticed he now had regular jeans on and had a red shirt with a leather jacket and his aviators on. I laughed as Max handed me my own aviators as I climbed to the front again.
"So where we headed?" I asked, just enjoying the fact that I wasn't in school.

Max's POV

"So where we headed?" Aly asked smiling, I guess enjoying that she wasn't in school.
"Oh we're going to hit up the beach, duh."
"Why is that?" She asked.
"Because,  we kids started a program that's a charity but it's all fake. So we threaten Mr.Orion and tell him if he doesn't let us my dad will have his sorry butt fired. So we made it possible that all of my friends can leave school once a month to skip. The principle thinks we're going to some dumb charity though.  Smart huh?" Max said smiling. I couldn't help but laugh, that was pretty clever.
"So why was I dressed up?"
"Oh today's a special day at the charity and I wanted it to be a surprise for you so we could hangout."
"And how bout Lyndsey?"
"I deal with her later." I nodded my head and we pulled up to the beach. "Hey why are we at the beach anyway? It may be like 50 degrees but you know it is October."
"Just for the boardwalk. Come on Al. It'll be fun!" I laughed at his excitement,  and he helped me out of the car. "What should we do first?" Right as he asked my stomach growled. I shrugged sheepishly.
 "That's what happens when you wake me up early and don't feed me anything." He chuckled and pointed to a pizza place a little ways. I nodded and smiled hungrily. I gulped down 4 slices and downed a large Pepsi. Max laughed again and we got up and by now it was already 12pm and Max suggested to check out the arcade. We played in there for hours and I couldn't help laughing when Max won a giant stuffed koala for me. Tickets were spewing from the machine and I laughed at how easily he had won. We walked out cracking up the whole way.
"That was crazy!" I explained laughing more.
"I know right! The manger was so pissed!" That made me laugh even harder. "His face was hysterical! It was so red!" We were laughing so hard that we were bumping into people because we couldn't see through our tears.
"Aw that was awesome."
"Yeah,  really was." He agreed laughing. Max threw the koala in his car and we started walking toward the rides. I sighed,  what a good day.
"Hey let's go on the scrambler!" Max said excitedly.

Max's POV

I took a seat on the inside of the scrambler, which meant I'd probably be slamming into Aly on this ride. I chuckled at the thought. Once I got on we both started laughing for no reason and screaming and it was literally the best I've felt in so long. I slammed into Aly for the 4th time and laughed again,  then looked at her straight in the eye.
"You're the one."
"Wh-what?" Al said screaming a little over the noise.
"You're the one." My hand sat on the side of her face and I  moved cautiously closer to my best friend.

Will he kiss her?! hmm who knows? haha btw found a picture that looks mostly like Aly, to the side! she has darker brown hair too and it's a bit longer, but u get it. Thanks for reading! :)

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