the unkown becomes known

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The only bad side 34

Aly's POV

Movie night, you, me and the guys?

I sighed. Max really wanted me to cheer up. Lyndsey is still in the hospital, and probably will for a long time. I wish we were still friends. I sighed and my phone vibrated again after not answering it the first time. I reached down and typed back to Max.

I guess so, bring lots of popcorn! You better be ready to smuggle too! :)

I ended with a smiley face, just so he knew I wasn't too upset still. Even though honestly, I really was.

*a few hours later*

"KNOCK KNOCK!" I heard Dean scream as he walked in my front door. I chuckled and came down stairs, in a small cropped top and baggy sweatpants. My hair was in a side braid, and still wet from the shower. I gave Dean a hug, and one to John too. I may not have known them long, but they are good friends. Mac walked in last, and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled and we walked into the movie room, a few minutes later, holding hands.
"PDA!" John yelled over his shoulder as he popped in a dvd. I took a seat next to John, and Max sat next to me, with Dean on the other side of him. John gave us all giant bowls of popcorn, as we watched one of the Saw movies. I snuggled into Max, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I watched the movie in safety of his arms. I started to slowly fall asleep, due to the sound of the loud patter of rain on the roof.

*unknown point of view*

I stood outside of her house. I held a knife tightly in my hand. I had my hood up so my black, slick hair wouldn't get too wet. My eyes were focused through her window, to where two guys, probably friends of Max's, Max and Aly sat absorbed in some movie. This was the time. I started to creep toward the house, when I stopped. It occurred to me how out numbered I was. I slowly retraced my steps and sat down in my car. Guess I'll just have to wait.

Max's POV

The movie ended. I was the only one still awake. I got up and carried Aly to her room. I laid her down in her bed then softly made my way back down the stairs. I strolled into the living room to see John and Dean, sleeping soundly on the couch. I shrugged and took the only couch, that didn't have anyone on it, and waited for sleep to come.

*unknown point of view*

God damn it. Looks like Max and his friends were staying the night. I slowly got out of my car and made my way toward Aly's house. I walked to the side of the house, where I tried the best I could, to climb up a tree. The rain came down faster and faster, making the branches of the tree, quite slippery. I somehow made my way to the end of the branch and peeked into a window. Roy's room. I tried to open it, and was surprised to see it unlocked. I crept through the window quietly and followed down the familiar hallway. Man I remember this place. I shook my head and made my way into Aly's room. She slowly slept on her bed, soundly. I then took a step forward and, just my luck, stepped on some kind of toy. It started going crazy and making loud noises. I cursed under my breath, when Aly looked up at the doorway.

Aly's POV

No answer.
"Max is that you?"
Still no answer. Then suddenly, a voice I hadn't heard in a while emerged from the person standing at my door.
"Why no. It is I. And I'm here to finish what should have been finished before my cousin was recently put in the hospital." Her voice was cold and nasty, filled with hate and anger. My body shivered and I whispered her name. The name of the girl that stood before me, waiting to attack.

What do you think? :D haha! Sorry i was a bitch and didn't upload sooner! I'm just cuaght up in school work and you know thye fact that I'm having a hard time with that cretive flow. Anyway, comment and vote!

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