friday night with the big bro

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Aly's POV

"What's wrong?" Steph asked when she sat down on my be and looked at me. She had walked in and greeted me but I was too scared to move or to even acknowledge here. "Come on Al. Tell Aunty Stephanie! She doesn't judge."
"It's Roy."
"What about him?" She asked tilting her head giving me a small smile.
"He doesn't know about me and Max."
"So? Tell him. Here I'll do it for you!" Steph got up and then realized I hadn't moved. "What's wrong with telling him?" she asked. I told her about the night in the hospital and how after Roy was super pissed at him. He hadn't really shown me he was mad, but I knew he was. He was always slightly annoyed when I mentioned it or if it came on as a rerun on the news. He hadn't seen us kissing that night, I knew if I told him he'd get mad. Like really mad. Roy was never good with holding in his feelings. He would just come out with it and I know he didn't mean to, but it just kinda happened that way. Right now I knew he couldn't stand the sight of Max. It hurt to thing my two favorite guys wouldn't get along.  I sighed and Stephanie gave me a sympathetic smile.
"I'm sorry. That'a definitely a problem. I mean Max and Roy not getting along? Hey I know Max works out but Roy would murder him in a fight... How are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know... What do you think?"
"How bout you watch a Phillies game with him? Doesn't he miss going to the games ever since you guys moved to California?"
"Hm yeah... get on his good side... good idea!" Steph smiled satisfactory.
"You should get some buffalo wings from Chuck's too."
"Aw Steph your the best!" I gushed and she smiled happily. "Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Steph chuckled and nodded.
"Text me and let me know how it went!"
"Will do!" I yelled back.

Max's POV

"Dude WHO are you texting?!" John snapped giving me an annoyed look that I wasn't paying attention to the movie we were watching.
"Umm Aly?"
"Again?" He groaned.
"Come on John! We've seen Inception like 30 times! What's up with you?"
"Nothing." He grumbled then stood up.
"Where are you going?"
"Home. Rebecca needs me. She texted me earlier and told me she was having trouble at school again." John finished and I nodded.
"Okay. Cya tomorrow?"
"Yeah, cya." John slipped on his shoes and left. I knew what I meant when he said Rebecca was having "trouble at school" these bitch girls were always making fun of her. She had tried committing suicide a few times. John always was home at 9pm if he knew she had a bad day. It's funny, no matter who he's with, he'll always go home and make sure she's still breathing and her well being is still good. He really cares for her. A lot of people think he's just a player, but he has a story. He has a hard life, always taking care of his sister while his mom works late at night and doesn't come back until 5am, then passes out on the couch. I'm always telling John that he can stay here if it's so bad. He always says no because of Rebecca though. That's why John is my best friend, besides Dean, he has a heart, it's just hard for people to see that. I sighed and turned off the tv and noticed Aly had answered my text. I'd asked her if we can hangout and she had sent me a quick text back.

'Sorry Max, gotta find a way to tell Roy we're dating, cya tomorrow?' I just sent her a quick text back, showing I wasn't upset.

'sure cya tomorrow, ily <3' She responded in seconds.

'u too! <3' I smiled. I really did love my girlfriend. She was the best. Well guess I'll be chilling at home alone tonight. El was still in the hospital, recovering, Zack had gone to jail, not like that's a surprise. Dean was busy tonight, he was doing something with his family, I forget what. I sighed and climbed my stairs, alone. This should be a wild night. I thought sarcastically.

Roy's POV

"Al? Where are you? What's that smell?" I heard her voice from the living room. I had been out and when I came back from working as an intern at a doctor's office down town, I smelled something when I came in.
"In here Roy!" she called. I walked into the living room to see her on the couch wearing a bright red Phillies shirt and about 50 wings sitting out. The channel was turned to the Phillies game that was on tonight. I grin spreading to my face. I knew she probably wanted something from me, but I didn't mind right now. I plopped down next to her on the couch and in gagged in conversation about the game and how Jimmy Rollins really needs to start hustling to first when he's a bat. It was good. It hasn't been like this in a long time. I liked that.

Enjoy it? I loved writing the extra part about John. You know the player, that has more to him, so cute! haha anyway hoped you liked it, I'll upload soon I promise! Anywhere from tonight to Friday. But hopefully soon! Alright thanks again for reading! Vote and Comment, tell me watcha think of John now! Thanks (again I know)

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