the trade off

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Aly's POV

"A trade?" Violet asked, intrigued, I'm sure.
"Shut up!" Violet said, covering my mouth with her hand.
"Yeah. So is it a deal? And you don't hurt my friends here or Aly?" Max asked, and my eyes widened with fear. He's really going to do this? For me?
"Yeah. Deal." Violet said grabbing Max and dropping me. She took his hands and put them in handcuffs, no doubt stolen ones. She lead him downstairs and out into the pouring rain. My heart began to crack and I couldn't help but start to cry. Max. My love. Gone? Would she kill him?
"Hey shh Aly. It's gonna be okay." John said dropping to his knees and pulling me into his arms, and rubbing my back soothingly.
"Ho-How can you sa-say that?" I asked, stuttering. "H-he could be ki-killed!" I screeched out. John leaned close and whispered in my ear, still holding me.
"You didn't think we wouldn't have a plan, right?"

Violet's POV

"Get in the car!" I said, pushing Max in the passengers seat. I got in on my side and we began to drive.
"So Vi, where we going?" Max asked casually. What's with this guy? He should be begging for his life!
"Shut up moron." I mumbled.
"Vi! Don't just keep it a secret I wanna know!" Max exclaimed, whole heartedly.
"We just are going somewhere Max now shut up."
"What no nickname?" Max asked, smirking. My cheeks began to warm up, and turn bright red. I cursed myself for showing my week side.
"No." I tried to grumble out, but was unsuccessful. Mac smirked. Damn just like I remember him. The same handsome, buff, good looking, funny sweet- wait Violet! No! He's a jerk! And I have to kill him! My heart suddenly dropped.... I'm going to kill Max? It's just...


"Hey Vi." His genuine smile, appearing on his face, when he saw me.
"Maxie!" I said, practically choking him in a hug. He chuckled at how happy I was to see him.
"Miss me much?" he asked, smirking. A blush blossomed on to my cheeks. He chuckled sexily again. My knees began to shake, man do I have it bad for him or what?
"Violet!" He yelled suddenly. My face turned confused. Wait why is he yelling?!

*flashback over*

Suddenly I saw my car almost drive right off the road, I quickly swerved back into the lane, and made a pact to never day dream and drive. Max looked at me, with a terrified look on his face.
"Violet?!" He asked looked scared.
"Just shut up Max, we're almost there."

Max's POV

Violet's face had suddenly gone pale, and she started to blush. I looked confusedly at her, why was she looking like that? We started to move more to the right, and I found that we were edging closer and closer to the road. I started screaming her name; she still seemed like she couldn't exactly hear me, even though she was sitting right next to me. I started screaming and suddenly she snapped out of her odd trance.
"Violet?" As much as she was trying to be some stalker-murderer girl or something, I knew she wasn't. She was in fact my ex-girlfriend.
"Just shut up Max, we're almost there." Violet snapped and I sighed, knowing it would be harder to crack her free of this state then I thought.

So everyone hate Violet? lol!

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