the moment that changes everything

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Aly's POV

"What were you thinking? Going with him?"
"He kidnapped me..."
"He what?! God how irresponsible! I can't believe that, wait... Aly are you okay?"
"No... No I'm not."
"What's wrong, what did he do?"
"It's more like what he didn't do..."
"Okay what didn't he do?" Steph said seeming to grow worried.
"He didn't get far enough to properly kiss me." I said, honestly not even believing what I was saying. Steph sat their stunned.
"You wanted him to kiss you?"
"Do him?"
"I don't really know..." Steph sat in her seat, and starred out the window.
"Why what?"
"Why do you give him so many chances? What's so special about him?"
"He knows me like no one else does, he let that girl take over his life, but I feel as though no matter what I will always forgive him. I can't live without him. He understands me like no other guy could. We have a bond that can't be broken because of a silly person that tries to break us up." I finished sighing, knowing it sounded super sappy, more then I meant it to be.
"I see." I just nodded and Steph started the car and while we started driving, I saw Max walking along the beach. He looked distressed, he dragged his feet like there was something really bothering him. He glanced up at the car and I swore he stared at me right in the eye. Then he looked away, and he continued walking toward his car. I felt sorry for him, he tried to do something nice for me, and someone ruined it again. I wasn't mad at Steph. Actually the contrary, I kinda was glad she got me out of there. If she hadn't I might have done something I'd regret. I still felt an unknown pang in my chest though. Guilt? Love? I couldn't decide. Steph drove us to school, since by now it was already 7:35am, and we had to be at school in about 25 minutes. I changed in the back of the car, then put makeup on, and finished it all as we pulled in to the parking lot at 7:58. We jumped out of the car and raced into the school and slid into our seats in home room with about 5 seconds till the bell rings. About halfway into my first period class, Max strides in. He doesn't glance at me, but sits down right behind me in his usual seat. I could hear is fast breathing as he sat down. When Ms.Kimberly turned around to write on the board, a note was thrown on to my desk. I read it under my desk.

We still need to talk.

I crumpled the note and slid it into my backpack. I took out a piece of paper and wrote back.

Idk if I'm up for it. Not a good time.

A few seconds later a fresh note plopped on my desk.

Please I need to. A this is important.

I sighed and sent one more note back to him.

I guess, but at 1:45 instead. Free period.

Max agreed and I thought of the many things he needed to tell me... He almost kissed me earlier didn't he? Should I trust him? Honestly, I don't think I have much of a choice now, but  maybe it'd be worth it. At 1:45 I sat in the library and waited for Max. There was a secret spot only me and Max knew of, at the very back. It was dark and the librarian couldn't hear you because you were so far away. Max approached and sat down opposite of me.
"Thanks for meeting up with me."
"Yeah, what'd you want to talk about?"
"Us." he said immediately.
"Yeah. Al I can't lose you like this."
"No. I can't let you go, especially not now."
"Why not now?"
"Because... I think I... am falling in love with you."
"You what?!"
"Aly Wane...I love you."

Anyone see it coming? :)

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