wicked bitch of the west

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So thoughts on Lyndsey? Yeah what a bitch. Haha, so this story is slightly my life. I mean the characters in the book, how it ends is not how my story ended. Yeah whatever lol. Anyway, enjoy! Vote please! :)

Aly's POV

I stomped my way into home room and Steph looked up from her phone to see me. 
"What happened?" She asked
"The wicked bitch of the west has this crazy idea in mind that I'm in love with Max!" I said throwing my backpack down in annoyance
"but you do..."
"Who's side are you on?!" I said and Stephanie just shrugged.
"I'm sorry but it's true."
"Yes but it's supposed to be a secret!" I whisper-yelled so the other kids in the room wouldn't hear because I just know I saw that geeky girl behind a book was raising her eyes in amusement.
"Well if you keep yelling it won't be."
"I'm whisper-yelling!"
Nancy. Nancy Jane. aka Lyndsey Bloom's best friend. And the wicked bitch of the east. If there is one. Well if there was then she would be it!
"Nothing Nancy." I said rolling my eyes.
"Didn't sound like nothing." She said smirking. Wow what an idiot, like I'm going to tell her what we were talking about.
"Well like they say,  curiosity killed the cat. So I'd suggest shutting the fuck up." I said growing more annoyed at Lyndsey's clones bothering me.
"Now now that's not a good attitude." Right then she got a text and then her face changed for a moment before she turned her face back into an ugly smirk. "Better go, got better places to be. Cya later loser!" She yelled with a final wave as she left the classroom.
"God one day..." I said letting out a big thing of air in annoyance.
"Come on Al just forget them. Remember Spring break is coming soon!" My face lit up in excitement, finally! Some relaxation! I mean I'm smart and I like school and everything but I really need a break. The bell rang and a sudden cluster of kids came rushing into class trying there best to act like they've been there all along. Mr. Shwimmer came in late,  his glasses sliding down his nose. Now I know he sounds like a geeky kind of teacher but he's definitely my favorite teacher. He's fair and good and especially because I'm definitely his favorite of all of his students. Lydnsey strutted in as he began writing on the board. Her click clacking was definitely going to earn a one way pass to detention.  She didn't even get a quarter of the way to her seat before Mr.Shwimmer called out to her.
"Ms.Bloom! Care to explain why you are so late to class!" Her face had slowly turned a light shade of pink.  But she quickly recovered and put on an innocent face. How typical. I rolled my eye in disgust and waited for her answer like the rest of the class.
"Umm well...." Even I could see the red hicky on her neck. She really wasn't fooling anyone.  Gross I bet it's from Max.
"Ms.Bloom if your going to make out with your boyfriend,  please do so earlier in the morning so you won't interrupt me again. You may sit down now." He said. Wait, woah that's it? That's her punishment! My god she was so late and all she gets is a little speech?
"Excuse me Aly?" I snapped my head up in surprise
"What Mr.Shwimmer?" I asked furring my brow
"Do you want detention?" I asked giving me a looks of annoyance.
"No?" I asked.
"Well maybe next time you should keep your mouth shut! How I teach my students is my business and none of yours so please stay out of it." He said giving me a stern look.
"Shit.." I cursed under my breath realizing I'd said all that stuff out loud. Lyndsey smirked from her seat across the room and I let out another annoyed sigh. This is going to be a long day.

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