over portective brother

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Aly's POV

"Awwww how cute!" Someone's voice from near by cooed. I broke away from Max to see Stephanie.
"Steph!" Max chuckled at my annoyance.
"Sorry! But Mr.Orion told me to find you for home room."
"Shit were late." Max said running a hand through his hair. I giggled, he looked so cute when he was stressed. He gave me a questioning look. I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll see you later." he nodded.
"Hey Al?" I turned around to face him again.
"Meet me at my car after school?" A smirk spreading across his face. I blushed and nodded my head. His smirk just widened when I blushed, and Stephanie quickly pulled me down the hallway.
"You are telling me everything!" Steph said. "I guess since you'll be hanging with your new boyfriend." Steph paused, winking. "Then you can sleepover my house tonight to give me all the deats!" I blushed and Steph just laughed, linking her arm in mine. We walked into Mr.Orion's room and I heard Steph mutter under her breath. "This is going to be fun." I gulped, knowing Steph was up to something. "Sorry Mr.Orion my friend here was busy with a guy, locking lips, if you know what I mean." I blushed a deep red. Mr.Orion rolled his eyes.
"Stephanie, If you would please sit down and not tell the class what Ms.Wane as been up to in the hallway with a boy." I raised an eyebrow at the last part of the sentence and I blushed again. "But if you wish to share Ms.Wane, please go right on ahead." I shook my head immediately and Steph pouted, annoyed she couldn't tell. Then we heard someone clear their throat.
"Mr.Orion! What does this half to do with the splitting of cells?" Damn. That's what Steph had been doing. I turned around to see Lyndsey with her annoying (and fake) good girl look on her face.
"Sure thing Lyndsey." Mr.Orion replied then turned to me and whispered. "But if I need to know this stuff, let me know what happened between you and Max." My eyes grew wide and he chuckled while Steph pulled my to my seat and pushed me down and she say next to me. A note appeared on my desk.

'You and Max?' I recognized Lyndsey's handwriting and rolled my eyes and crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in my backpack. Then another landed on my desk.
'You kissed my boyfriend?' I couldn't believe this so I sent her one.
'correction. Your ex-boyfriend.' I got a note back immediately.
'So you did kiss him!' I rolled my eyes and sent on more back.
'Shut up Lyndsey, even if that did happen, why on earth would I tell you?' I got on back but I just crumpled it and threw it in my backpack with the other ones. Steph gave me a questioning look and I just mouthed "Later" to her and she nodded.

Max's POV

"Where you been Max?" John asked when I sat down in Mrs.Shwimmer's class.
"Umm out?"
"This isn't Friday night when your caught sneaking back into your house by your parents. Where have you been? I saw you come in to school on time. What have you been doing?"
"Err..." I trailed off, my gaze resting on the ground.
"We're you with Aly?" My heart beat sped up at the sound of her name. He smirked. "Yep so is." Damn. I always give it away somehow. I wish I knew how. Suddenly he sent me a note.
'What'd you do?'
'Kiss her?' I sent back.
'Your lying, something else happened'
I got it and sighed then sent him another one.
'Okay...I told her I loved her and she said it back' John smiled at that.
'Cute. Didn't know you rolled that way Max, must be -the one-'
'Maybe...' I admitted back and John smirked. We got out of class and headed to gym.
"I think that's sweet, my little Maxy is growing up!" He said making fun of me. I scowled and moved away from him as we changed for gym.
"Shutup. I'm actually trying to have a real relationship here. Lyndsey and I were a train wreck together. She was such a hoe." John just nodded. "I really think I love Aly." My other friend Dean came around the shoulder and hugged me.
"Max that's so deep!" I chuckled. Dean wasn't making fun of me, he was serious. He doesn't joke that much. It's weird how he's popular. He is a bit geeky, and plays with his camera a lot. He's truly a great guy though. He's kinda short and weird, but a good guy. John rolled his eyes at Dean. I gave him a look like 'Be nice'. See John doesn't like Dean that much. But Dean's a good guy. I smiled and we walked onto the field for some laps. As much as I tried to listen to my friend's stories all I could think about was Aly. Oh Aly. I smiled and began running.

Aly's POV

"Shit shit shit!" I yelled in annoyance. How could I be so stupid? How could I tell Max I loved him? How was I supposed to deal with the problem at hand? The one who officially hated Max for putting me in danger in that hospital...how could I forget Roy?

Picture of Dean coming soon! Check every now and then, I'm looking for the perfect picture and it's taking a bit, butit should be there sometime soon! Thanks for reading! I'll update soon!

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