another kiss?

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Max's POV

Once I finally got away from Lyndsey I went home and tried texting Aly again. I mean, she probably was just busy...or her cellphone was dead or something.

"Aly we really gotta talk about today, it's important. I know I shouldn't have left you, but it was important."

 I sighed, if she doesn't answer in 15 minutes...well it's time to take it to the next level.

Aly's POV

"Did I get another text?"
"Yeah and it's from Max."
"What's it say?" I asked, a bit too eagerly.
"Al it's time to move on. You are way too good for him. Just push him out of your head."
"Out of my head? That's where he is! And has been for 4 years! I can't just let him go that easily."
"What do you mean by let him go so easily? He broke your heart, he deserves the same to be done to him!"
"I mean-"
"No! You don't mean anything, not to him in this case. Aly you were jussi left behind, how can you love him?"
"Because love penetrates all of his wrongs. He is my one and only love."
"I was worried you'd say something like that..."
"Well Aly I just don't want you heartbroken tonight."
"Why does it matter, we're just hanging out."
"Umm...actually we're going to a party."
"A party?! I can't go to a party like this! I'm heartbroken and sad I can party and celebrate! I have nothing to celebrate, I'm miserable!"
"Exactly! Your miserable, so now, you can meet some hot guy and maybe even get in a relationship and get Max off your mind."
"But no one's like Max."
"Yes." Stephanie sighed "I know but I have another plan that involves getting Max if this one fails. Please trust me on this Al, it'll be fine! It'll be great. Come on pleassee?" I sighed.
"Fine. Let's go to a party."

Max's POV

"A party?"
"Yep! It'll be great, then we can win king and queen of the Christmas dance!"
"But we spent time together today and went shopping and now I really want to relax at home." Max tried convincing Lyndsey for the millionth time.
"I'll help you relax at the party. Plleassee?" I sighed.
"Fine lets go."

Aly's POV
 Steph told me I looked great, that I looked amazing and that any guy would be begging on his knees for me. So in a way I was trying to get a guy to date. Steph told me Max wasn't going to be here so that's good, I won't have to deal with him questioning me and trying to be fiends again. I really want to but what is there for me to do now? I was wearing a grey dress with two stripes and had tiny spaghetti straps, it's funny how in California when Christmas comes along it doesn't matter if your still wearing a dress. It's not like the temperature changes much. Like I was saying, I'm wearing a silky grey dress with a blue and green stripe that really made my eyes pop. I was also wearing black flats with an expensive logo on them. My hair was left down and flowing and I played with it as I walked in. Steph came in a dark blue dress that complimented her figure and had black stitching all over it. We definitely stood out from the other girls who mostly wore dresses that were too short and too tight. Ours got perfectly. My fancy black earrings dangled and matched my mascara. My eyes roamed around the room searching for one face. The face I found...not the one I wanted. It was John. John is Max's friend, he was okay but probably the biggest player out there. I've seen him with my own eyes, ripping a girls heart right out of her chest. He's a heartbreaker, I shouldn't have even talked to him but I couldn't help it.
"Hello pretty lady. Wait a minute... Aly? Is that you? I thought you were a model from Brazil or something!" I couldn't help but laugh. He was pretty good when it came to charming a girl.
"Nope just got a nice dress and decided to dress up a bit."
"I see." John said not even bothering to act like he wasn't checking me out. That made me laugh again.
"Wonna get a drink?"
"Sure." He said, his gaze suddenly meeting my face. We walked toward the kitchen and he handed me a drink. I took a sip and made a face. Gross Chores light. I shivered, damn I hate beer. John laughed at me. "Here try this." I took a sip and sighed, that's a bit better. He chuckled at my expression when I got a wheat bear instead.
He laughed again, "No problem. Aly, I didn't know you drink."
"She doesn't."

Max's POV

I pulled up in my Jeep with Lyndsey who was taking forever to leave because he was throwing a fit about what car we take. She finally let me take mine. When I walked in, Lyndsey went to see her friends and get some drinks so I went to the kitchen to see John. Oh god he's flirting with another girl. Damn and this girl is hot. I walked in and heard him.
"Aly, I didn't know you drink." He was laughing, laughing? Are you kidding me?
"She doesn't." she turned around to see me and her eyes went huge. Damn I was not expecting that expression. It looked like she just wanted to run for it.
"Max! Where you been?" John asked totally unaware of the mood in the room which went from fun and flirty straight to scary.
"Aly? Al? " she nodded her head saying she was listening. "Have you gotten my texts?" my voice was soft but she was able to hear it. She just nodded. "And you haven't answered?" my voice came out so strangely calm it scared me. She shook her head.
"Umm.. I'll just go." John left as all the other people had, noticing the strange mood in the room.
"Why did you ignore me." I asked, fury searing through me.

Aly's POV

"Why did you ignore me." My face started to burn, it was too much for me to handle. Max stepped closer to me, I was already In the corner of the room and there was no escape. "Why." This time instead of anger in his voice, I heard sadness and the weakness he was showing was something I've never experienced. His hand was holding my cheek now, like he had at the fair. "I made a mistake Aly and I know I can't take it back now. But I'm hoping I can make it up to you." He moved even closer and somehow I stopped him.
"What are you doing?" my voice came out strong, I didn't even know I had it in me.
"Well umm..." Max suddenly backed up, his gaze hitting the floor. "trying to make it up to you..."
"Max you hurt me. More then you could imagine. You ditched me, and and..."
"And I was about to kiss you." I stood shocked, did he just admit it? So it really was true? It wasn't just my imagination?
"I ditched you and let you walk home in the rain. I let Lyndsey control me. I-I-"
"Maxxxy! Where are you?"
"Shit..." he said suddenly.
"Ma-Max?" He hadn't turned around to see Lyndsey, he didn't let his blue eyes slip from mine or even take his hand off my cheek. He didn't even give a glance in her direction.
"What do you want?" Max snapped, his eyes still not leaving mine.
"Well I um-"
"Lyndsey leave."
"...o-okay" We heard her leave and Max continued holding my face, making me stare into his breath taking eyes.

Will the kiss? Predictions? Comment and Vote! (loved writing this chapter)

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