the comeback

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Violets POV

"Alright get out." I said. When he didn't make a move to open his door, I snapped. "Max get the hell out of the car!"
"I don't know if you noticed Vi, but I'm kinda in handcuffs." He said lightly chuckling when realization hit me. I opened his door and he got out, stumbling forward a little, almost landing on me. He gave me a small smirk as he saw my scared look as he moved closer. How could Max still have this effect on me? I quickly turned away and started walking up to the rickety old house. I heard Max follow behind me, and I walked up to the door and unlocked it. After letting him inside, I walked in myself. He gazed around the room, taking in the details. Man his eyes. Were they always that blue? He looked over and noticed me staring and he smirked, but didn't comment. I sighed and went to the cabinet in the kitchen and started looking around for something to eat. Suddenly, I was pulled back and whipped down against the floor. I groaned as the floor made contact with my left cheek.
"Sorry Vi. You didn't think I'd give up without a fight though, did you?" Max said as he suddenly latched the handcuffs around me. He smirked at me, obviously triumphant at his actions. I groaned.
"How?!" I asked annoyed.
"Violet, I'm not dumb. I've learned a few tricks. I also can tell you still have a thing for me, and can see you weren't about to murder me." He said as he lifted me over his shoulder and carried me back to the car. He then took a GPS out of his bag, and began typing in a address. He then pulled our of the driveway, and back on to the road.

Max's POV

"So Vi-"
"Max don't try talking to me."
"I wanna know something though!" I exclaimed, a bit childishly. She just rolled her eyes, but I took that as a yes.
"So what was in this for you?"
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Why did you agree to take me, and then take it so loosely that I could get away?" I wondered out loud.
"Violet? Do you still like me?" I asked, a seriousness making its way into my voice.
"No." Violet said, way too quickly.
"Tell me."
"I just did you moron."
"Violet you were lying."
"Maybe I wasn't!"
"And maybe you were!" I screamed back, remembering why I originally broke up with her. Suddenly there was a sound of a truck beeping his horn, and the headlights flashed in our eyes, blinding us. Violet screamed in terror. When we hit the truck though, I realized Violet had somehow gotten out of the car in time. That's when everything just went black.

Aly's POV

"John! What if he's not okay?!"
"Aly, he's fine. Relax." John said trying to comfort me. That's when my home phone rang.

"Excuse me ms....Would you happen to be a lady named Aly Parker?" A man asked, and was surprised, he knew my name.
"Um yeah, can I help you?" I asked, thinking it was just a sales call.
"Yes, do you know a man by the name of Max Miller?"
"Yes! He's my boyfriend! Is he alright?!" I screeched, suddenly freaked out.
"Maybe, he's at a hospital that shouldn't be far from where you live." He said, politely.
"Could you give me the address?"
"Um sir?" I asked suddenly.
"Was there a girl when you found him?"
"Nope. He seemed to be in a car crash, but I didn't see a girl anywhere near by. Do you wish for us to look for her?" He asked, worried.
"No, no. That's okay. It was probably a mistake." I said, now realizing she probably got away. I sighed and told him goodbye after getting the address, I told John and Dean the news, and we're soon on the way.

Muhaha, so intense!

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