The heart of all

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Aly's POV

We arrived outside of the hospital holding my boyfriend. On the phone the doctor didn't elaborate on what was wrong with him, just said he was in a serious car crash. I was surprised I hadn't started crying yet. Which surprised me. Dean and John stood on both sides of me as we made our way down the hall. We stopped at room 402. I pushed open the door to see Max, with lots of wires connected to him. I gasped at the sight, and long awaited tears started to form in my eyes. I felt John or Dean; one of them start to rub my back soothingly. The doctor came in and started talking about Max, but I couldn't hear him, I was far off from reality right then.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked John and Dean in a whisper, once the doctor had left.
"Minor concision, and he broke two ribs in his ribcage." John said sadly. I just nodded my head. I then crossed the room and slowly touched Max where he was injured. I sighed at how broken he was.
"When will he wake up?" I asked. I honestly felt like I was on a soap opera, how I was acting.
"They say later today hopefully." I nodded my head and decided to sit down on the couch, then found my self falling asleep.

John's POV

It was 8pm. Aly has been sleeping for about 5 hours since we told her the news. Shouldn't Max be up by now?! I wondered nervously.

Dean's POV

It now was 1am. Way past when Max should have waken up.

Aly's POV

I heard voices and started to stir in my sleep.
"He should have waken up by now!"
"What should we do??"
"What can we do?"
"What about Aly?"
".....I guess... I don't know..."
 I looked up and saw John and Dean fighting.
"He hasn't waken up?" I asked making them both jump at my voice.
"Err no..." Dean said, almost scared of my reaction. I got up off the couch and walked over to Max. I put my hand in his and squeezed it lightly.
"Max don't leave me." As the words left my mouth, I found myself full on crying. It was like those four words made me realize...what if he didn't wake up? What if he never told me he really loved me? What about his kisses? Will I ever get another? Dean and John came up next to me. John patted my back and wrapped his arm around my waist. That's when I found myself crying into his chest.

*3 days later*

I haven't left the hospital. Max still sat in his same position. No one knows what's wrong with him. What hurts the most is, they can't find Violet. Which means she probably survived. I held his hand and bit my lip as I stared at his closed eyes. I sighed and began to speak.
"Max. I don't know if you can hear me. But if you can, well damn I miss you so much. I know I've said this before but right now, right here it's the real live truth. I love you Max. Max you are the only one I love. I can't live without you. After being my best friend for so long... and now my boyfriend.... you don't understand how much I love you. Max..." I began again, but was cut off by tears that had began to fall again. "Max....if I never see you again....just know...I will always, just always love you." Tears began to fall freely down my face, I love him. I really, really love him. His eyes, his hair, his laugh, his smile. I'm truly addicted. Just the way he can light my face up with just a simple gesture. The way he can take my breath away with ever kiss he lays on my lips, there is no doubt in my mind I love him. I found myself lying next to Max on the bed somehow, wrapping my arms around his waist.

It was morning when I had woken up. I knew my makeup was probably messed up from crying so much last night. Dean and John were nowhere in sight. I cuddled into Max's chest, wanting him.
"Dear god don't take my Max away..." I murmured.
"Dear god, I hope you don't take me away from my Aly." A sudden teasing voice said. I jumped suddenly, from hearing his voice. I looked up to see Max looking down at me.
"Max?" I asked wearily.
"Al?" he asked, sweetly.
"MAX!" I exclaimed, realization hitting me with full force. I crashed my lips to his and actually straddled him on the bed. I felt him chuckle against my lips, and that's when I heard his heartbeat move faster. I then pulled away, breathing hard. That's when I heard a door open.
"Aly...what are you... MAX!" John yelled suddenly running over to his side.
"Holy crap Aly, what are you do-MAX!" Dean exclaimed, making me chuckle. I got off of Max and let his friends talk to him. After everyone had calmed down, everyone left the hospital, but me. Max had today one more night so I decided to spend it with him. I snuggled into his side, and felt him relax, ready for sleep. I was starting doze off when I heard his voice.
"I hope you know that I couldn't live without you either, and that even though I say it a lot too, I love you so much more than you can imagine." Max finished and I suddenly couldn't help but burst into tears. "What? I thought that would make you happy!" Max exclaimed looking confused. I couldn't help but giggle a bit at his face.
"I'm so happy that you love me...I'm crying..." I said blushing. Max wrapped his arms around me, and we drifted to sleep.

Second to last chapter! It's amost done:(

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