Zack is back

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Max's POV

"MAX! WAKEUP!" I woke up to someone screaming at me and throwing a pillow at my face.
"Ughh what?"
"It's Elle!" my mom screamed in my ear. The minute she said Elle, my head was off my pillow and I looked around then straight at my mom.
"What happened to El?!"

Aly's POV

My phone started vibrating awakening me from my sleep. The number was blocked but I answered it anyway.
"Aly! Thank god!"
"Yeah it's me! Oh god Aly I really need your right now!"
"What's wrong?! Is this some game?"
"No! I swear! Aly it's Elle! He's back! She's in the hospital!" it sounded like tears were threatening to spill over. "Aly I need you! Can you please pick me up and take me to the hospital?" I checked the time and it said 4:50am. I knew he wouldn't call unless this was serious so I got off my bed and threw on some jeans and my red converse to match my t-shirt and quickly threw my hair into a messy bun and hopped in my car and took off. Wow the one place I would never expect to visiting at 5 in the morning.

Max's POV

Aly pulled up in her mom's minivan and I immediately jumped in. We took off in the car in silence. Once we had stopped in front of the hospital I hoped out of the car and turned to see Aly sitting there.
"Park the car and meet me in there!" Aly just nodded her head and took off. I ran into the hospital and stopped at the lady at the front desk. "Elle Miller, is she here? I'm her brother!"
"Sorry visiting hours are over."
"Lady my sister could be dying, let me in the GID DAMN ROOM I DON'T CARE IF IT'S NO LONGER FUCKING VISITING HOURS!"
"Mr.Miller step away from the counter or I will call security to escort you out." she said with a glare.
"Max!" I felt Aly's hand on my shoulder. I suddenly was starting to calm down. "Hi I'm sorry, you see this is really important. Elle could have been shot. We need to see her. If she dies and we never get to see her again..." tears started to well in her eyes. The lady at the front desk stopped glaring and her eyes softened.
"It's room 406, second floor."
"Thank you so much." Aly tugged on my shirt and we proceeded to the elevator. Once we got in, I saw Aly wiping her years and trying not to look in my direction.
"Thank you Aly. You don't realize what it means to me, you doing this." her face softened and she looked at me.
"I love Elle just as much as you do. I would never just not visit in the hospital no matter what."
"Meaning that you would come even if your not crazy that I'll be there too?"
"Yeah I guess." she said not making eyes contact with me. We stopped on the second floor and found room 406. We knocked and were let in. Mrs. and Mr.Miller looked surprised to see me.
"Aly?" Mrs. M asked looking confused.
"Um hey." she just nodded her head and pulled me into a hug, with no questions. "How is she doing?"
"Not so great. Zack really is screwed up."
"He's back?"
"Yep and crazier then ever. He never forgave Elle after she broke up with him."
"Will she live?" Max asked worried.
"I hope so, it is a major cut." Max just nodded his head though. There was a silence and his parents left to get something from the food court. "When I find that son of a bitch...he'll wish he never pulled the trigger on him. Aly, I will never let him hurt anymore people I love." his eyes never left Elle's face. I pulled him into a hug and he gladly accepted it. Suddenly we noticed a note on the floor. Max picked it up and read the note. When he was done he dropped the note and sprinted out of the room. Out of curiosity I picked up the note and read it.

'The pretty girl that drove you to the hospital? Oh Max... She's next.


The note dropped from my hands and I followed Max and ran out of the room.

Cliffhanger! Oh and this is just the beginning. Zack has some plans.... yeah not good. Anyway his picture is on the side. It's sad that he is a pysco, he's pretty good looking!

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