the party in full swing

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Max's POV

"Okay put this on." John handed me a pair of dark wash jeans and a loose light blue shirt and a jet black jacket. I sighed and took the clothes, not in the mood for arguing. I came out and John smiled. A real smile. "Let's go."

John's POV

As Max changed in the bathroom, I quickly texted Stephanie.
'Hey Roy's coming right?' She sent me back a text immediately.
'You bet! The plan is coming into place! :) cya soon!' Stephanie texted back and I smirked, this is one hell of a plan.

Aly's POV

We pulled up to the house with lights flashing and a beat that was so loud I felt as though the ground was shaking slightly, and grabbed on to Stephanie's arm when I got out of the car. She rolled her eyes at my gesture but helped me to the front door and into the house. Stephanie called out to me saying she was going to get a drink. Which basically meant, she'a going to go find a hot guy and flirt and probably make out for a little bit. I groaned and walked into the living room, looking over the people in the room. I looked over everyone and was disappointed. What did I expect? That I would find Max portraying his love for me, saying how much he missed me, and how he wanted me back? Well this is no fairytale. And since I'm not a princess... I guess it's time to do some drinking.

Max's POV

I was lead into the house with lots of music. It was cranked up so loud I could barley hear myself think. John was steering me toward the kitchen when I stopped. It was her. Aly. I stood still, just standing there starring at her. My best friend, my girlfriend... She was chugging down a drink and her eyes started to droop from the alcohol. I ran over to her and caught her before she fell to the ground. I picked her up and walked to the nearest bedroom. A couple was making out on the bed and I cleared my throat.
"Yo! Get another room, or my friend here will vomit all over you." They both looked up dazed, then stalked out it the room. I could see John and Stephanie across the room talking. Hm, weird I didn't know they were friends. I locked the door and walked over to Aly. I say down on the bed and couldn't stop myself from stroking her long hair. Her dress was beautiful and fit just right. It wasn't too short either. I looked at her face and smiled, I really did love her. Suddenly she woke up.
"You!" She screamed once she saw me.
"Me!" I said back.
"No! No! NOOOo! Your going to take me some where aren't yoouu. You gonna go and take me, to a country FAAARRRR away! Hahaha! Farrrrr sounds like rawr! Like a dinosaur! Did you know rawr means I love you in dinosaur? I bet you didn't!" I couldn't help but giggle. Aly isn't one to get drunk, she's usually mostly sober. I tried not to think that I was the reason why she was drinking and try to control her.
"I did not know that." I answered.
"Haha! I knew it! I'm smart! Smarter then....then George the monkey!" she then started burst out laughing and I couldn't help but join her. Suddenly she stopped. "Nooo! You laughed! You like me! Why??"
"I like you because I laughed?" I asked chuckling.
"YESSS! Did you go to first grade?!"
"I do believe so." I answered smirking.
"I...I... I want you!" Aly yelled at me. My heart skipped a beat, and I looked into her eyes. She looked like she was starting to sober up a bit.
"Well umm..." I started
"Shhhh...." Aly said putting a finger to my lips. Suddenly she leaned in, and looked my straight in the eye. She started fingering with my hair and I bit my lip, trying to control myself. Or try to tell myself she was drunk and that's the only reason she was acting this way. But I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and kissed her. Suddenly the door opened and I just ignored it, this was Aly. I love Aly. I can't live without her.
"Aly?! Max?!" I broke away from Aly when I heard my name. That voice was familiar. I turned around to face the famous Roy.

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