the almost date

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Aly's POV

I felt someone's hands on my waist. My first though was that Steph had a bad dream and was trying to wake me up, but then I was lifted up. Yeah Steph can't carry me. Oh my god I'm being kidnapped! was my next though. Then a hand went over my mouth and I started kicking trying to get away. I'm gonna get raped! I'm being carried out of Steph's house, through her window and just slipping away. Someone's going to fucking rape me! Then we slid down a latter next to the house. Then into a tan Jeep.  Wait a minute...who do I know with a tan Jeep? Shit is this Max?! I was buckled in and he hopped in next to me. I tried to open my door but it was locked.
"Al I'm sorry but I really do have to talk to you..."
"You do realize this is illegal right? Kidnapping is illegal!" I snapped back.
"Please don't be like that, I want to show you something." I glanced at the clock to see that it was 5:30am.
"Couldn't you have let me slept a little bit longer?" I said annoyed.
"If I did then you would have been too late, like you always seem to be when we used to go to school..." He trailed off, his face and turned sad when he said 'used to'. I looked away, because if I kept looking at him I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from doing the unthinkable,  forgiving him. We drove closer to the beach and I saw the sun just starting to come up from across the ocean. I gasped, it was beautiful. I had never been up early enough to see this. We stopped and Max hopped out and ran to my side to help me out. He offered his hand and I reluctantly took it because his car was just too big for me to get out without assistance. Max gestured to the beach.
"Here you find a spot, I'll bring the stuff down." I just nodded and walked down, close enough to the floor to really smell the salty smell but also far enough that the water couldn't hit us. Mac walked up behind me and smiled. "Good spot." He lasted down a blanket and put an umbrella over us, even though it really didn't do much. I sat down and looked at the sun as he started rise slowly. It was breath taking. It really makes you realize how big everything around you is compared to you. How everything is a whole instead of just multiple things. Max handed me a blueberry muffin. I smiled. "I know you like blueberry muffins from that bakery so I got you some." I just nodded and Max handed me a water bottle then what I'm going to guess was a coffee from Starbucks. I leaned back and forgot nothing was behind me and fell right onto the blanket.
"Ow..." I said making a face, and rubbing my back. Max chuckled, here you can lean on me. He pulled me up and shifted. I cautiously leaned back onto his shoulder, I felt Max snake his hand around my waist and he took a sip of his own coffee. I relaxed as I continued watching the sun, I put my head on top of Max's shoulder.
"You know Al, when I say I'm sorry, I really do mean it. It was a mistake. I'm really sorry. I just hope you know that if you don't accept my apology now, you are going to see a lot of me. I'm not giving up."
"Max you really hurt me."
"Tell me why it hurt you so much."
"Because your my best friend and supposed to be there for me. Knowing you would ditch me for Lyndsey any time she called really hurt me. I felt less important." I finished, knowing that that was just half of it.
"That's it?"
"Your lying."
"No I'm not." I tried to make it sound true but it came out as more of a question. Max sighed.
"Aly please tell me."
"Aly please?"
"Why not?" He said pouting, not enjoying this one bit.
"Because it could put end our friendship."
"So we're friends again?"
"I didn't say that."
"But when I did that, it hurt you, and you can't tell me why it hurt so much because it will end our friendship?"
"Um yeah pretty much."
"Aly, you know I love you right?" that threw me off. I mean I know he loves me but...the way he said it...
"I guess so yeah."
"Well something changed lately...when I think of you..."
"I think about how pretty you are, or how funny you are or how you make me so happy." I couldn't believe what I was hearing...what was happening? "Forget it Al...let me show you something." Max got up and held a hand out to me. I took it and felt a jolt of warmth shoot through me. Damn you heart, why can't you let this guy go? He's no good. We walk a little ways down the beach then I see a bunch of stones, I walked over to it and cocked my head.
"It looks like it says something."
"Go try and read it." Max said letting go of my hand. I walked forward and read each letter.
"Um F, O, R, G, I, V, E?" I asked and gave him a confused look, but Max just smiled and nodded. I continued reading. "M.E?" I asked again and saw Max nod. Then I saw my favorite flowers, they were also arranged into a word. I looked at each letter. "A.L.Y. Aly." I said reading it all. "Forgive me Aly." I repeated all together. I looked at Max and realized now he was next to me. I stumbled into him and blushed when he caught me. He helped me stand straight. I looked up at him, cocking my head when he didn't let go of my waist. He was smiling.
"Aly I mean it. That had to be the biggest mistake of my life. I can't let you go." I just stood not knowing what to say. Max was not one to do cute things like this for no reason. He cocked his head at me and smiled more.
"What are you looking at?" I said trying to recollect myself.
"The prettiest thing I've ever seen. Something I would die if I ever lost." I blushed more and Max moved down. Was he going to kiss me? His lips were inches from mine when he moved to my ear and whispered in it. "But most importantly, this thing, this person has an effect on me that no one could. They are so special that every time I screw up, all I want is to have them there so I can just hug them because I know they can make it better." Max moved his face from my ear to my face again. His lips were so close to mine that my breath had gotten caught in my throat.
"ALY GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I sighed and stepped away immediately. I looked back to see my best friend running down the beach to meet me. "Aly!" She practically screamed, then when she got to us was panting from running so far. "Oh thank god. Don't- Don't give in to him. H-he hurt you! St-stay strong! He does-doesn't deserve y-you!" my eyes had gone wide. "No matter h-how much y-you like him you can't give up n-now!" my face turned red then I felt his hands on my waist as he turned me around to face him. I tried looking away but he took his other hand travel up to my face to hold it still.
"You like me?" I tried to squirm away from him but I was no match to him and his strong arms.
"Uhh.." He placed his lips on mine and my whole body heated up. Then suddenly they were gone and all I wanted was his lips to be back. It wasn't even like his tongue had made it to my mouth anyway. Which was kinda cute but then I realized Max was holding his face in horror. Steph looked pissed as hell.
"Don't fucking kiss my friend!" Steph said grabbing my wrist and pulling me in the opposite direction. I liked back to see Max's eyes, they looked as though they were wet. Were those tears? I couldn't decide if it was because I was leaving him or because Steph just slapped him in the face. I decided to forget about it, not wanting to know of my ex-best friend loved me like how I know I did.

picture of John on the side! take a look! (hes hot! (; )

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