Finding out about magcon

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So we sat down and my mom said "during the summer I don't want you to be home by yourself so you are going with Cameron to magcon." I said "why don't you trust me?" And she said "I do trust you it's just that I don't want alone. It's kinda dangerous with them going to build new houses behind us." "ugh ok whatever" I said. Then I went upstairs do start packing but then I realized idk when we are leaving and how long we are going for. Then Cameron came upstairs and said we are leaving tomorrow and gonna be there for 3 months. So he helped me get my suitcase because im a little short. Then I packed like lots of clothes and I got my hair and makeup stuff and put an extra phone charger in the suitcase. Then I put shoes in there too and anything else I need. After all that it was time for dinner so we are going out to eat at ...............TACO BELL!!! Yay I love Taco Bell. So we got ready and mom picked up Sierra on the way. When we got there we ordered food and cam decided to make a vine. So he went up to a random worker and asked the lady for her number and if she wanted to go on a date and she roasted him.😂😂it was so funny. She said that she had a boyfriend and doesn't like f boys. He got it all on vine then we got our food and ate and we went home. Then we all went to bed because me and cam have to leave wayyy to early tomorrow.

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