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Callie's POV
I woke up to someone jumping on my bed and it was mahogany. I said " it's to early to wake up go away." "No it's not its 10:00 now come on." So I got up and went and washed my face because like I don't want pimples. Then I got my outfit for today and got in the shower and did all of that stuff. *the outfit is at the top* then I fixed my hair like this

(Just imagine it ombré) then I went back into our room and all the boys were waiting on me and mahogany

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(Just imagine it ombré) then I went back into our room and all the boys were waiting on me and mahogany. Mahogany was still putting her shoes and her cat ears on. Then she came out and all the boys yelled finally. Like they don't take forever to get ready🙄. So we walked to the lobby and got breakfast ..........well maybe lunch oh well. We either got pizza or macaroni and we were just being loud and having fun. I was sitting by Hayes but then I saw Cam and I realized I haven't spent much time with him. He's the reason I'm here right now so I got up and sat by him and I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. Cam said "why did you just hug me?" "Because I realized that I haven't hung out with you a lot since we got here and I wouldn't be here without you. It's actually fun at magcon and this is only the second day and we didn't even have a show yet. I thought it would be boring but it's really not and thanks for bringing me here." "Your welcome and I'm glad that you like it and me and the boys have a suprise for you later." " ok but me and you have to have a Dallas day that only me and you hang out for a day this week." "Omg yes we do that sounds perfect gurl." Then we both started laughing because that's pretty normal for Cameron to say stuff like that. When everyone was done eating we went back to cam and Nash room to hang out. Well we were making vines and then they boys stopped and asked me if I was ready for my suprise and I said yasss. Then there was a knock on the door and they told me to go get it. I said " what if it's a kidnapper." They just laughed and said its not. So I opened the door and I saw my best friend lakyn!!! "Aghh OMGG I missed you so much!" We both yelled then all the boys were taking pictures and stuff. This is what lakyn is wearing

So we were hanging out and then JJ said we should go out to eat

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So we were hanging out and then JJ said we should go out to eat. So we all got in 2 cars and rode to Olive Garden. It took us like 1 hour and 30 mins just to eat and get the food. Then after we ate me lakyn and mahogany wanted to go to the mall so we begged the boys and they finally said yes. So we went shopping for clothes, shoes, and other stuff like nail polish and hair stuff. While the boys kinda shopped but they were just messing around the whole time. Then me and lakyn saw Starbucks and yea you kinda know what happened. Of course we bought something duh it's Starbucks. Well we didn't tell the boys and they were kinda freaking out because they couldn't find us then we said "hey what are you guys doing" and they looked at us and ran to hug us and they said "don't run away again." Then we said "we didn't run away there is Starbucks right there." Then we all just laughed and got in the 2 cars and went to the hotel. When we got to the hotel we all got into pajamas and unpacked the stuff we bought today. Then we went to the lobby and got icecream and whip cream. We went to our room and the boys were waiting to for us to do something. So we ate icecream first then I did a smack cam on my brother and then Nash because they were sitting by each other. Then I ran and sat were I was sitting and they didn't know it was me. They figured out it was me because I forgot to hide the can of whip cream. Then we all started a huge smack cam war and it ended up in the halls. It's a good thing we have this whole floor. We are being so loud right now and so messy haha. Finally we stopped the smack cam war and now we have to take showers all over again. So we took our showers and got into different pajamas and we watched the movie Frozen because we were feeling Disney. About half way through the movie I fell asleep on Hayes shoulder and that's all I remember.

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