Dallas Day

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           Callie's POV
I woke up and I went to Cameron's room to see if he is awake. I knocked on the door and a shirtless Hayes opened the door. He said come in and I went to Cams bed and started jumping on it. Then I heard laughing and Hayes was the only one awake so I looked at him and he was making a snapchat and vine of me. Finally my brother woke up and he was confused but then he saw me and he started chasing me. I hid under his bed while he was looking in the bathroom. Then I heard him getting closer so I crawled under Nash's bed then under Hayes's bed. Hayes picked me up and hid me under the pillows. Then Cam thought I went in the hall so he went outside and I jumped up and hid in his suitcase. Then he came back inside and said "well I can't find Callie I'm guessing she went back to her room." Then he got clothes from his suitcase and I scared him. He stared screaming like a little girl and he woke up Nash. Then Taylor and Shawn came in the room to see if we were alright and I said " yeah we are ok I just scared Cam." They started laughing and walked back to their rooms. I told Cam to get ready for Dallas Day then I walked back to the girls room and started getting dressed. I wore my CD Galaxy t-shirt with some jean shorts and my black vans. Then I French braided my hair into pigtails. I got my money and went to the lobby to wait for Cam. I realized I forgot to tell the girls where I'm going oh well they are sleeping I will just text them later. Cam came to the lobby and asked "where do you want to go for breakfast?" I said to McDonalds. So we walked to McDonald's because it was across the street. We both ordered a breakfast sandwich with chocolate milk. After we ate we walked to a park. I went on the swings and Cam hot on the other swing and we had a competition of who could swing higher. It was a tie because we were fixing to break the swings and couldn't go any higher. So we decided to go somewhere a else but we didn't know where to go. Well Cam started walking and I was tired of walking so I jumped on his back. He almost dropped me but he didn't that's why I love him he doesn't drop me lol. We ended up being at a boardwalk. I forgot to text the girls where I'm at oops. I texted them that I am hanging out with Cam for the day. They said ok have fun.  Well we stated chasing the birds away that we saw. Then there was a snow one stand and I really wanted one so I begged Cam and he said yes. So we ran to get us each one. I got lots of flavored and then cam just got wedding cake. Like he is so boring😂😑. It was about 3 so we went to altitude and stayed until 7. While we were there I did tricks and we played dodgeball and jumped in the foam pits. Then there was a basketball slamming contest and I watched it and Cam won because he was the oldest. And of course there were fans and most of them wanted to see my brother but some of them actually wanted to see me. I'm happy to see that I have fans that like me for me and not who my brother is. After all that we got a limo to drive us back to the hotel. Then we all went out to eat at Wendy's and when we got back to the hotel it was about 9. We decided to go late night swimming until 10 since we have a show tomorrow. We all just went swimming in our clothes and didn't bother changing into bathing suits. Then we took showers and actually went to bed kinda early.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry if there are mistakes I didn't check it before I saved the chapter and I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far and bye loves.✌️❤️

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