Jack & Jack

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Maddi woke me up by yelling in my ear. I yelled "Bruh shut up I wanna sleep." "Noo we have to get up for magcon." Then I remembered we had a show today so I picked out my outfit and waited for lakyn to get out the bathroom. So I started playing on my phone and then maddi attacked me and jumped on my bed. "Are you ok maddi?" "Yass gurl I'm perfectly fine why?" "Just wondering you seem a little hyper" " oh yeah I had lots of candy haha oops." I just sighed bc she is hyper when she has lots of candy. Then lakyn came out and laughed at maddi who was running outside in the hall yelling "I love candy woohoo yasss" it was funny tho. So I went and took a shower and all that stuff. We have different days that we wear other people's merch. Today was Jack and Jack day. So I got dressed in a J&J tank top with black shorts. I wore my vans and I put my hair in a messy bun. Then I put on my makeup and lakyn was wearing a J&J tank top too but hers was different from mine. She had on regular jean shorts with her vans and her hair was in a side braid with a bow. Then maddi had a J&J crop top with high waisted shorts and vans. Her hair was down. We all painted Jack&Jack on our cheeks. Then we got our phones and went to all the boys' rooms and started knocking and yelling very loudly so they would hurry up. Then they finally came out and we went to IHOP before the show. Then the jacks came up to me and the girls and hugged us and said "thanks for wearing our merch it looks good on you guys." We just laughed and said "yea we know." Then we walked away like bosses. We got breakfast then ate and all that
*skip to show time*
So I was gonna DJ first so they called out my name and all the fans cheered. I said "hey guys mahogany isn't here so me and the girls are gonna take turns being the DJ. So now who wants to see the boys?" All the fans started cheering again. Then I called out all the boys names and I said "ok who is ready for my two bestfriends to come out." While I was calling out maddi and lakyn the fans were cheering. Then I played lipgloss and they danced. Then I put on my house and they all started singing and dancing. Then Shawn sang stitches, treat you better, and kid in love. Then Jack and Jack sang like that, tides, and flights. Then me and lakyn switched and she played lean and dab and she came back to dance then Matt whispered something in her ear. She ran up to the DJ thing and I went with her and Matt ran off stage. Then lakyn told me what Matt was doing and I said "awe that's so cute." Then lakyn put the song baby by JB on. Then Matt came out and went up to maddi and said "maddi I know we haven't known eachother for that long but we have gotten really close and I want to be more than that so will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" By that time maddis was in tears and she said "omg yass" then we all cheered. Then Matt gave maddi some flowers and maddi and up to us and stated fangirling. Then we were fangirling and then we noticed everybody was staring at us and we just blushed and looked away. Then maddi wanted to DJ so she played panda and everyone was getting hype. Then me lakyn and maddi wanted to sing. Since we are like third harmony we sang miss movin on and work from home. Then we did a Q&A and we did the meet and greet. Then we did the VIP people and all that stuff. After we got all of our stuff from the fans and we went back to the hotel to put our stuff up. Then we went to altitude and stayed there until 10:30 bc we got there at 8. After that we went to Wendy's and made fun of the workers bc they were ratchet lol. Then we went to the hotel and I started roasting rice gum and everyone was laughing at me. Then we watched a movie and I put my head on Hayes's shoulder and I looked at Matt and she did the same to Matt and lakyn did the same with Shawn and we all fell asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~do you guys like this story and sorry I feel like I haven't updated in like forever. So byee ily❤️✌️

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