One more month

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*few months later*
Well I'm having baby Grier in a month. Lakyn and Shawn found out they are having a girl also. We said that they are gonna grow up as best friends. Me and Hayes came up with a name for the baby. Her name is gonna be Bella Grace Grier.

Today we are going shopping for some stuff for her. So we get in Hayes's truck and we go to the store. *skip the buying stuff* we bought clothes, some stuff for her room, and bottles and stuff like that. When we get home we put the stuff where it needs to go in her room. Then Hayes says "shouldn't we pack a bag in case you go to the hospital early." I agreed so I packed a bag just in case.

Then my phone rings I see that it's maddi. I answer it and she says go to her house. So me and Hayes drive to her house and the other guys are there and so is lakyn and Shawn. We are all confused why she told us to come here. Her and Matt walk out into the living room with a box and she sets it down. Then Matt opens it and balloons pop out and she pulls out a sign that says im pregnant!! We all congratulate her and we eat lunch/dinner at her house. After everyone was done eating we cleaned up then we all started going home. Me and Hayes told them bye and we went to the house.

When we got home we turned on the tv and started watching Netflix. Cam and Tay told us that they are getting a reality show on Netflix and I'm happy to see it. Then Hayes fixed me a milkshake because he's the best. After the milkshake Cam called me. He asked if him and Nash could come over to our house and I said yea. I told Hayes that they were coming over and he asked why and I said I don't know.

Then there was a knock on the door and Hayes got it. Cam and Nash were here. They said that there is too much drama in the house right now and they don't wanna be apart of it. Apparently Carter has started stuff with the jacks. Then all the other guys got in it and they are having all these arguments. Good thing I'm not in there because I would have went off on everybody. So we just talked about random stuff and we made cookies. Then we watched Netflix again and we were having fun together. Then we went to bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it's short but the next chapter is gonna be longer just saying. the main reason why I put this chapter was to tell you guys about the baby or babies😂😏. but yea there was drama with Carter and the Jacks wow. buttt byeeeeee ily guysss❤️✌️

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