1st Show

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          Callie's POV
"Turn that stupid alarm off before I punch something!" I heard lakyn say. So I got up and turned it off because I don't want to get punched by lakyn. I remembered we have our first show today and I'm so happy I woke up mahogany and got lakyn up to get ready. While I was in the bathroom and taking a shower I had my playlist on shuffle. I started singing along to dangerous woman by Ariana grande and I sang Jack and jack and Shawn mendes songs. Then I walked out the bathroom and everyone was clapping and staring at me. "Why are you guys staring and clap-ohh did you hear me singing?" "Yes we did and you should sing at magcon today with me and the jacks if they want you too." Shawn said. "Ok but get out so we an finished getting ready."  *at the top the pic from right to left is my outfit, lakyns outfit, then mahagonys outfit*. After we were ready we ate breakfast and waited for the boys to finish eating. Then we left and got there early for sound check. Also I had to practice the song that me and Shawn are gonna sing. We are singing never forget you. So we practiced the song 2 times then I went and practiced my song with the jacks we are singing like that and I'm gonna do the skate part. So we practiced that song then I practiced the song I'm gonna song by myself which is lost boy. After I practiced my song we still had a few minutes for sound check to be over so we just played around and sang horrible. Then we had to go backstage because they were starting to let fans in. Then Bart went on stage and announced Mahogany to go up. She went and started playing turn down for what to get the crowd hype. Then she announced the names in order
Aaron Carpenter
Taylor Caniff
Cameron Dallas
Matt Espinosa
Hayes Grier
Nash Grier
Jack Gilinsky
Jack Johnson
Shawn Mendes
Carter Reynolds
Then mahogany said "we have 2 new people joining magcon Callie Dallas and Lakyn Johnson!" Me and lakyn ran out on stage together and the crowd went wild. First we danced to lip gloss then we danced to watch me. Then Shawn sang imagination and stitches. Jack and Jack sang wild life and California. Then I sang lost boy and then I sang my song with shawn and then sang with the jacks. Then lakyn danced to what do you mean and stitches. After that we brought fans up to dance with us for like 15 mins. Me and lakyn decided to sing a song. After we stopped dancing with fans we sang .......................

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hahahaha I left you guys with a cliffhanger #sorrynotsorry lol ily guys ❤️✌️

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