Hello florida pt. 2

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When I woke up lakyn and maddi were staring at me and I screamed. Great way to wake up is being stalked by your best friends. They just laughed and asked why I screamed I said " bc you scared me like why would you stare at someone when they're sleeping?" They said "oops? haha" so we made waffles for everyone and when we were finished all the boys were waiting for food. I swear that's the only way you can wake a boy up. So we ate all the waffles and I asked "when are we gonna get to Florida?" Then Gilinsky said "we should be there by tonight." "Ok" so I decided to get dressed and take shower this is what I wore

" "Ok" so I decided to get dressed and take shower this is what I wore

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Lakyn wore

And maddi wore this

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And maddi wore this

So yea we are basically matching

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So yea we are basically matching. Haha yea be jealous squad goals. We wanted to get off the bus fo stretch so we stopped at a little park and me and the girls ran to the swings. We made the boys push us bc they are our peasants lol. Then Cam made me push him and I kinda gave up bc he is to heavy. So after a while we went back on the bus and started the road trip again. We stopped at a Dairy Queen and got icecream. Then I went to my bed and chilled out and I decided to paint my nails so I did mine and the girls' nails too this is mine

 Then I went to my bed and chilled out and I decided to paint my nails so I did mine and the girls' nails too this is mine

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This is maddi nails

This is maddi nails

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And this is lakyns

Again we were almost matching oops? So we just stayed in my bed listening to music and chilling out

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Again we were almost matching oops? So we just stayed in my bed listening to music and chilling out. Of course the boys had to come and ruin it by singing shake it off very off key. So we made vines of them and after that we all made musicallys and blah blah
*skip to when they get to their hotel in Florida* "finally we are here" we got all of our stuff and since it was night time there were no fans. We brought our stuff in our rooms and we went across the street to McDonald's. We ordered our food and ate then we got mcflurries. We snuck them into the hotel rooms haha savages af. Then we watched random movies on Netflix for a couple hours. After that me and the girls went to our room and went to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry about the short chapter it is like 2:30 in the morning and I'm getting tired now and hungry. I was bored at first so I thought 'hey I'm gonna write a chapter' but yea byee ily❤️✌️

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