Its a.....

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It's been 3 months since we found out I was pregnant and we have told the fans. Every month we get a chalkboard and write how many months. Then we take a picture and put it on social media. Today we are going to the doctors to see if it's a boy or a girl.

Lakyn and Shawn also found out they were pregnant when they came back from their honeymoon. So she is only like 5 weeks. (Idk i just put 5😂.)

So I put on one of Hayes's old t-shirts and some nike shorts and just put my hair in a ponytail. Then I went downstairs to grab down thing to eat but not anything to big. Then after I ate I brushed my teeth and we left. We got to the doctors and she called us in the exam room. She rubbed the stuff on my stomach and we looked at the screen.

She said "well it looks like your baby is healthy and growing. Do you guys want to see what the gender is?" "Yes please." "Ok you are having a baby..........................girl." I smiled and looked at Hayes and he had a huge smile on. He always wanted a little girl that he could spoil. "Well come back in about a month to have a checkup and you guys are good to go."

We left the doctors and we went back to the house. Hayes came up to me and got on his knees so his face was by my stomach and he started rubbing it and talking to my belly. I just giggled he is gonna be a great dad. We decided to tell our families and the others. So we went to my parents house and we got Hayes parents there with Sky.

We got pink balloons and pink onesies and we put them around the living room. Then we called the family out and we yelled "SURPRISE WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!!" They all cheered and hugged us. Then we went to the guys house and we got the girls there too. We did the same thing and when we called them out we yelled "SURPRISE WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!!!" They all smiled and cheered then the girls said we have to go shopping. I just laughed and said "not today maybe another day."

Me and Hayes left and went to the store to go buy some paint and stuff so we can paint and decorate the baby's room. When we got the stuff we went straight to work this is what the finished product looks like.

The guys came to help and when we were do signed we were all covered in paint and I was exhausted

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The guys came to help and when we were do signed we were all covered in paint and I was exhausted. So we all said our byes and they went home. After they went home I took a shower then got dressed in pajamas. I went downstairs to eat dinner and Hayes was already cooking rice and gravy. It was so delicious. I helped clean up then i called my mom and told her about the baby room. She said they will come tomorrow and see it.

After the call we started watching random YouTube videos on tv. Then I started craving an Oreo mcflurry from McDonald's. So Hayes drove and got 2 of them one for me and one for him. Then we ate our icecream and watched reaction time videos. (I love reaction time he is legit life😂). After a couple hours we went upstairs and I brushed my teeth then I got in bed and played on my phone until I fell asleep and Hayes did the same.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~awee they are having a girl and reaction time is like my fav YouTube channel. You guys should go check him out of you didn't already. Also do you guys like the way I wrote today like not in all one thing I spaced it out bc I think I'm gonna start doing that.Butttttt anyways byeee ily❤️✌️

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