1st Show part 2

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"So me and lakyn are going to sing beauty and the beat. Everyone was singing along and was happy. After we were done Shawn sand the Cameron Dallas song with Jack G. Then it was time for the meet and greet. It was Cam and Nash then Jack and Jack then Shawn and Taylor, Hayes and Matt then Carter and Aaron. Even me and lakyn had one for us. Most of the fans were nice to us but of course there has to be those fans that are jealous. But we ignored them bc they are haters and haters are fans that are scared to admit it. There were fans with posters and gifts for all of us and they were so cute. Then after the meet and greet that took like 2 or 3 hours. That was really cool to meet the fans and take pictures with them. Then there was family pictures with fans. There was this one adorable little girl. She looked about 5 and she started crying when she hugged us. That makes me so happy when I have younger fans too. After taking a million pictures with the family we went back on stage and the boys started dancing to grind on me. It was um interesting. Then I looked at lakyn and she was staring at Shawn while they were grinding. The I looked at Hayes and he was staring at me then he winked at me and I blushed and Shawn did the same thing to lakyn. All the girls were screaming after that we all went up and high fives fans as we ran off the stage. After the show ended we were all out of breath. We were all hungry so we just ordered pizza and got it delivered to the hotel since we were fixing to be there. When we got to the hotel we waited in the lobby and of course me and lakyn had to do a smack cam on the jacks because why not. They were fixing to get us back but the pizza got here. Yass the pizza saved us by not getting slapped and hunger. After we finished the pizza we went to the boardwalk and found the snow cone stand. We all got snow cones and then we went back to the hotel because it's hot and we want to go to the pool. So we got in our bathing suits and went to the pool. The boys jumped in but the girls wanted to tan. So we were tanning when we all got picked up and got thrown in the pool. Hayes was the one that picked up me and Shawn picked up lakyn and Cam picked up mahogany. They were laughing but then we stated laughing too because it was funny. After spending like a long time in the pool we got out and changed into pajamas and took showers. Then we decided to play a game but we didn't know whether to play truth or dare or hide and seek. Since it was getting late and we didn't really wanna go all over the hotel we are playing truth or dare. So we all got in a circle and I started the game. "Ok um lakyn truth or dare" "truth" " ohh is it true that you have a crush on .......Shawn?"
            Lakyns POV
When Callie asked me that I started blushing. Callie knew I have been having a crush on Shawn. I said "umm maybe" then I giggled and blushed even more. Then I looked at Shawn and he was just smiling and staring at me he was blushing a little too. Then they all said awe that's so cute. Then I asked Hayes "hayes truth or dare" he said "dare" " ok I dare you to kiss .......Callie on the cheek" Callie have me the death glare and started blushing.
            Callie's POV
When lakyn dared Hayes to do that I started blushing and gave her the death stare bc she knows I had a crush on Hayes. Then I looked at my brother and he looked kinda mad. Haha oops? Well Hayes was blushing the whole time he kissed me cheek. After that he went back to where he was sitting and he kept staring at me. Again everyone went awe that's adorable young love. Then out of no where Nash said " ughh I don't wanna be lonely Cam will you love me" and Cam said "of course I will nashypoo" and we all laughed because they are cash goals😂. The game kept going on and the most funny thing that happened was Taylor had to run out in the lobby and ask the lady worker if she had girl stuff because his girlfriend needed some😂. The lady flicked him off . After that we made snapchats about what he had to do and then we made vines about what he had to do.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~well again I didn't check for mistakes and sorry if there are any mistakes. I hope you guys like the story and byee ily❤️✌️

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