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Lakyn and Shawn are happily married and their wedding was so cute it was like a little country and fancy at the same time. Maddi and Matt had their wedding to and it was cute too. So anyways I'm just woke up I'm in hungry asf and i don't wanna get up to fix breakfast because I'm lazy. "Babe I'm hungry can you go fix breakfast?" Hayes turned around and said "yea anything for you." Then kissed my head and went downstairs and started fixing me cereal. He brought it up for me and I said "oh thanks is this all you can cook?" While laughing he just laughed and said "maybe." I ate about half of the bowl and started feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. Hayes walked in and started rubbing my back and tied my hair up. He asked if I was okay and I said "I'm pretty sure I don't even know where that came from." I brushed my teeth and got dressed then I ran into the bathroom again and Hayes ran in right after me. He said "maybe you just ate something that didn't settle in your stomach." I agreed and I got hungry again I don't know what's wrong with me. I went downstairs and got a slice of pizza. I got a headache so I took an Advil and decided to go lay down. I went upstairs to get my phone and Hayes pulled me onto the bed and I giggled. Then I cuddled up with him and fell asleep. I woke up again needing to throw up when I we done Hayes said "I think we need to go to the doctor." I agreed with him so we went in my car and drove to the doctor. I signed my name on the sheet and filled the paper out. The doctor called out "Mrs. Grier?" I stood up and smiled I like hearing my name as Grier. I went to the exam room and the doctor asked some questions and I answered them. Then she said "Well according to the questions and answers it sounds like you are pregnant but just to make sure we are gonna put this stuff on your stomach. She put it on my stomach and rubbed it around and she put the stick thingy and we looked at the screen. I saw a little bitty thing and she said "awe that's your baby and it looks like you are 4 weeks pregnant."and she pointed to the little thing. I just smiled and started tearing up. She said congrats and left I went outside and saw Hayes waiting for me. He looked worried and I told him to calm down and he looked a little less worried. He asked "well what's wrong?" I said "well I'm .......pregnant. You are going to be a dad!" He smiled and started jumping around then he ran up to me and picked me up and started spinning me around. He kissed me and he looked so happy. We went home and and I told him that I'm 4 weeks. He just smiled even more he wouldn't stop smiling when he was driving. We decided to tell our failed and the guys and the girls. So we got our fams together and we went to Hayes's families house. We got each a present do we have the parents theirs first and when they opens it. It was each a little chalks bored thing that said you are going to be a..... And then it said what they were going to be. They started smiling and our moms started crying and hugged eachother like wtf I'm the one who is pregnant here duhh. Then we gave Will and Nash theirs and I gave Sierra and Cam theirs they all opens it and it said the same thing but it was either aunt or uncle. Then we gave sky one and it said that she is going to be an aunt. She is old enough to know what it means know. They all started smiling and hugged us. Sierra was freaking out and saying we have to go buy some cute clothes and all that I said "woah Sierra we don't even know the gender yet." I said while laughing. She said "well we are still gonna go shopping when we find out the gender right." "Well duhh." Then we said goodbye and went to the boys house. Then we gave them all presents and they opens it at the same time and they all freaked out and hugged us. Then Taylor said "this is great and all but I thought I was getting new bandanas or new car keys." "Well you aren't so be glad with what you got."and I laughed. Then the girls were squealing and freaking out just like Sierra. Then we just went home and I went to sleep because I'm lazy and prego sooo yea.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ayeee we got a baby Grier in da house yo. Lol but yea do you think it gonna be a girl or a boy? (ps I already know what it's gonna be haha.) byeee ily❤️✌️

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