Moving in

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     Callie's POV
Me, lakyn, maddi, and Hayes are 19 now. The other boys are either 20, 21, or 22. Me and Hayes moving in together bc we don't wanna live with the guys forever but we will visit them like everyday. We will only be like a hour or two away. Shawn and lakyn are moving in together also the same with Matt and maddi. Right now I am packing my stuff bc we officially got the house yesterday but they had to do all the electricity and that stuff before we move in. So we are either going to move in later today or tomorrow. Lakyn and Shawn are moving in their house tomorrow. Matt and maddi moved in yesterday and they love it together. I took a break from packing and then I heard someone yell "wassup we are back bishes!" I ran down the stairs and saw the jacks I ran up to JJ and hugged him then I did the same to Gikinsky. They have been on tour for the past 2 months. All the guys came down and they did the bro hug thing and the girls came down and hugged them. And yes all the guys still live with eachother and we are still family and we are always gonna be a huge fam. We all caught up and the jacks told us stories about the tour and all the places they went to. They were happy for us girls and Hayes Shawn and Matt. Mahogany moved out a while back with her bf and doesn't visit that much but that's okay bc we still love her. We decided to go out to eat and we picked red robins. We got into our cars or trucks and drove there. We finally got seated and ordered our food. Cam decided we shoals make a vine. Nash had to go put ice down a random persons shirt. He picked this "hot girl" according to him she was hot. He put it down the back of her shirt and ran back to his seat and we watched her scream and everyone laughed. We acted like it wasn't is and started talking about music. When the lady passed we busted out laughing and watched the vine over and over again. When we finished eating we went back to the house and I went to my room and finished packing. After like 2 more hours of packing I finally finished. I walked to Hayes's room to see if he was done and he was sleeping of course. So I started packing some of his clothes but then I gave up bc I didn't wanna do his stuff. I went downstairs and the others were outside swimming and lakyn and maddi were coming upstairs to get in bathing suits. So we got dressed and I woke up Hayes and told him we were swimming and he met us outside. We stayed out there until like 10 at night. Then we went inside and took showers and all that then we went to bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~this is kinda a short chapter bc I just wanted to let you guys where they are at life and how old there are and stuff. So anyways byeee ily guys❤️✌️

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