Bella Grace Grier

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I woke up and my stomach was hurting a little more than usual but I just shrugged it off. I woke Hayes up and told him to make me some pancakes he groaned but went downstairs and made them anyway. We ate and talked about random stuff then we threw away our trash.

I went upstairs and got dressed then when I was fixing my hair and getting my phone off the charger I felt something running down my leg. I looked down and saw that my water broke. "HAYES GET UPSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!!" He came running and he saw what was happening and he grabbed the bag and picked me up and got me in his truck. He sped to the hospital and when we got there he yelled "Help someone my wife is gonna have a baby!" Nurses came running and put me on the stretcher thing and Hayes was following right behind.

They brought me into a room and told me to breath in and out.
*Skip having the baby lol*
Then I heard crying and I smiled and looked at Hayes and he was smiling. The nurse brought the baby into a different room to clean it and all that. Then a different nurse came in and said "mrs Grier you have some visitors, do you want me to let them in?" "Ohh yes please!" She nodded and let the guys and lakyn and maddi in. Then me and Hayes's families walk in. Well it's a good thing we have a big room.

The nurse came back with the baby and asked if we had a name for her and me and Hayes said at the same time "Bella Grace Grier." Everyone awed and smiled. I got to hold Bella first then I have her to Hayes. Then my mom and his mom and she got passed around the whole room and back to me.

I asked when I got to go back home and they said they don't know. I just rolled my eyes and called a nurse in and asked the same question. She said we have to stay in over night to get rest and make sure everything is okay with both me and Bella. I got the bag of extra clothes and went to the bathroom and changed then came back and changed Bella into a little shirt. This is what Bella looks like

After a while everyone leaves and it's just me and Hayes

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After a while everyone leaves and it's just me and Hayes. We both get hungry so he goes and gets Subway because that's actually in the hospital. Then we eat and we talk about how cute Bella is an how she looks like us. She has my brown eyes and both of our brown hair. Her nose is a little big likes Hayes's nose.

Then the nurse lets us hold her again after they checked her out. Hayes held her for ever and it was so cute. Did I take pictures of them? Of course I did duhh! Then I finally got to hold her and the nurse had her sleep in a little crib over night and we fell asleep.
*Next morning*
We woke up and I brushed my hair and my teeth and Hayes did the same so we could go get Bella and check out. We got her and left the hospital and on our way home we stopped at a donut shop and got breakfast and some for the guys too because we all know that they are coming later. So we got home and we put Bella in her new room and we unloaded the truck. I unpacked the bag of clothes and put them washing. Then I went to the kitchen and ate more donuts. We went and checked on Bella and she started opening her eyes and she looked at us and smiled.

Then we heard a knock on the door so we went downstairs and it was the guys and ma girls. The girls were freaking out about how cute she is and they wanted to hold her again. Then the guys were doing the same thing. Cam was happy because she would stick her tongue out and laugh a little every time she saw him. Then for Nash she would kick and move her arms around. Of course Matt and Taylor found the donuts and started eating before I could tell them there were donuts.

We just laughed and then Taylor got all excited and Hayes asked if he was okay and he said "yeah I'm fine but I just remembered that I got something for Bella." He pulled out a little bandana and it was tye dye and said Taylor Caniff on it. He said "it's not gonna fit her now but she will grow into it." I smiled and said "it's perfect thanks Tay." Then Cam went to the truck and came back with a blanket and said all the guys helped make it. I was surprised until he said that they just helped pick out the colors and they all got their names sewed into it. We all just laughed. It was like a mint green color with their names in black and hot pink. Then the guys left and I put Bella back to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ayeee guysss so they have baby Bella now. but yea byeee ily guys❤️✌️

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