Baby and puppy

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Well a couple months have passed and Bella is like 5 months. Today we are going to the hospital because lakyn is having her baby girl. Shawn is so happy about a little girl. We found out that maddi is pregnant but only a couple weeks.

So while Hayes was getting ready I got Bella dressed into a shirt and skirt with some little sandals. Then I brushed her hair it's so cute because it's not a lot of hair but there is still some. I got the diaper bag and some little cups of yogurt and we left.

When we got to the hospital we sat in the waiting room and then we saw maddi and Matt come in. All the guys started coming in after a little while. Then lakyn's and shawn's families came in. After a while of talking we got to go into the room and see the baby.

We all walked in and the baby was so cute! Her name is Presley Marie Mendes. We all awed and smiled then the nurse brought back Presley and let lakyn hold her. Then shawn got to hold her and it was so cute because she looks like both of them. We all got to hold the baby.

After a while of talking and looking at the baby we all left and lakyn and Shawn stayed over night at the hospital. They have to check over the baby and lakyn but they get to go home tomorrow.

We stopped at a little park and I fed Bella then I let her crawl around. Hayes picked her up and put her in a swing then started swinging her. I took a picture and saved it so I can post it later. Then we went home and I cooked lunch while Hayes put Bella in her crib to take a nap. Then he came back down and we ate and cleaned up.

About two hours later Bella woke up so I got her out of her crib and brought her downstairs. I put out some of her toys and let her crawl around and play with them. Me and Hayes were talking about getting a baby puppy so Bella and the puppy can grow up together.

We both decided to go get one so we loaded Bella and the stuff up in the car and drove to the pet store. We looked and looked until we found this adorable puppy and the worker said that its playful and great with kids. This is what it looks like

He is so fluffy so we bought him and I held him on the way home

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He is so fluffy so we bought him and I held him on the way home. Then out of nowhere I yelled "OMG it's so fluffy I'm gonna dieee!" Then Hayes started laughing and Bella heard him so she laughed and it was adorable.

When we got home we let Bella play with the new puppy. "We need a name for him" Hayes said. "Yeah I know." "Ohh what about Cash? Or Max?" Hayes likes the name Cash so yeah. It's gonna be confusing with cash and cam and nash but oh well.

It started getting late so I took Bella upstairs to give her a bath. After the bath I put her in an onesie and Hayes came up with her bottle and I rocked her to sleep. When she fell asleep I put her in her crib then I went to my room and took a shower and all that.

Then I grabbed my phone and called lakyn. She answered and we talked about the baby and that me and Hayes can go over tomorrow and hang out with the baby and she wants to see Cash and Bella. Then we said goodnight and I posted a picture of Hayes and Bella form the park earlier then a picture of Cash. Then me and Hayes went to bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sooo what do you guys tho k about it so far? just saying I love baby huskies I think they are adorable. but yea byeee ily guysss❤️✌️

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