Short chapter

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We woke the girls up and made muffins and we had muffins for breakfast. Then lakyn and Shawn came to pick up Presley because she had a doctors appointment.

So I got Bella dressed and then gave her to Hayes so I could get ready. After I got ready I came downstairs to see Hayes laying on the ground playing with Bella. It was so cute so I took a picture.

We decided to go visit the boys today. So we got in the car and went to the boys house. They dont know we are coming because we want to surprise them. After singing and dancing in the car we finally got there.

We knocked on the door and Taylor answered and he yelled "Yooooo wassup fam." and took Bella away from me and hugged her. She just laughed and took his bandana off. He just chuckled and tickled her.

Then Cam and Nash were fighting over who got to see Bella first. Bella crawled over to Cam and hugged his leg. He smiled and picked her up. Nash was fake pouting and Bella stuck out her tongue at Nash. We all laughed and she got to see all the boys.

We all just laughed and had a fun time then we cooked lunch and ate. The time passed by so fast because I checked the time and it was already 8:00. So we said bye to eachother and went home.

Hayes gave Bella a bath while I got her pajamas out. Then Hayes put her in her pajamas and brought her to her bed. I read a story and turned on her nightlight. We kissed her head and whispered goodnight.

Then we got in pajamas and went to bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry about the short chapter I just don't feel like writing this story anymore. The next chapter is gonna be the last chapter of this story soo yeah. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ily guyssssss❤️✌

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