Hello florida

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I woke up to Matt and maddi flirting and maddi giggling. They didn't know I was awake so I fake coughed and they looked at me and they scooted away from eachother. I smirked and said "soo what's going on with you two?" They both blushed a little and said "nothing what are you talking about?" I said "oh well it just looked like you were kinda hitting it off but maybe I just need my eyes checked." So I woke up lakyn and we went to our room. Mahogany had to go home for a week or two bc her brother is in the hospital and sick. So is girls are gonna have to take turns doing the DJ thing. We just got dressed in comfortable clothes bc we are going to be on the tour bus for who knows how long it is to go to Florida. We finished packing our stuff in our suitcases but we didn't really need to pack that much bc we aren't like the boys who just throw their stuff all over the room. So after we packed we went back to the cash room and they were packed surprisingly. We went to the other rooms and most of them were packed but a few were still packing. So we started loading our stuff on the bus and we grabbed a quick lunch/breakfast. We just brought it on the bus and left so we can get to Florida. It was just silence when we were eating and that's like a first bc we are always loud. After I was done eating I decided to call a good bed before I end up sleeping on a pull out couch/bed thing. I went to the back and found the beds and I got the most comfortable one. Then lakyn and maddi were under me and across from me was Hayes. Then Shawn was across from lakyn and Matt was across from maddi. Then in the next room it was Cam , Nash, and Taylor then the jacks and Shawn and on the pull out bed/ couch things were Carter and Aaron. Aaron actually had a pretty comfortable bed thing and then carters felt kinda like a floor. So we just put our stuff on the beds and went to the little lounge area thing with a flat screen tv and the boys started playing xbox. So me and the girls wanted to do something fun and then maddi remembered we have nerf guns. So we found them in a little storage place thing and got six of them so we each have 2. Then we snuck up behind the boys and started shooting them. Darts were flying everywhere and then we all started hiding bc the boys found other guns. I hid under a table that's in the very front of the bus and it like a low table and its small. So I don't think they will find me. Then I saw some vans running around so I started shooting them and they fell to the ground and acted like they were dying. I saw that it was Nash and Jack J so I found another hiding spot and it was a wall bench thing.

But it was like a little smaller than that bc we are on a tour bus

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But it was like a little smaller than that bc we are on a tour bus. I hid behind the pillows and I looked who was in the cabinet and I saw Hayes in one of them I told him not to shoot me. And there was a little wall between and lakyn was in the other. And I got back where I was bc I heard someone coming and I shot Cam, Taylor, and Matt. Then Hayes came out and he hid behind the wall and he shot Gikinsky. Then maddi came and shot Hayes and she almost found me I think but she didn't. Lakyn came out and shot maddi when she wasn't looking and then she found Aaron laying down on the bottom bunk. She shot him too and then Shawn shot lakyn and then I shot Shawn. Then I found Carter on top of a cabinet and I shot him. Then I cheered bc I won and then everyone came and met me then they all shot me. Then we all laughed and then we made a stop to get gas and I wanted candy so I said "hey I want some candy anyone wanna come with me?" Then Hayes said "ooh I want some candy I wanna go!" His eyes lit up like a little kid when I mentioned candy. So we went and got lots and lots of candy for everyone. I'm guessing we are either gonna be hyper or just pass out bc of sugar rush but oh well candy is life. We brought it back to the bus and everyone's face and eyes lit up they practically attacked me and Hayes for the candy. We played the wii while eating candy and we did that for hours. We played just dance and a lot more then we passed out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I think I did good on this chapter idk but is anyone actually enjoying this story and if you are please comment or like it. Sooo byee ily❤️✌️

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