Chapter 6 (Ashers POV)

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So this is the first of the little extras I decided to do! I'll write more as I feel inspired, and right now I really wanted to write this chapter from Asher's perspective. More extras to come.

I hate airports. I hate the crowds. I hate the people. I especially hate being trapped in a cramped airplane for three hours. It makes my wolf restless.

Terminal three is apparently the terminal that everyone had to use today. It took me thirty minutes to find my bags and bring them outside.

My parents were supposed to pick me up 30 minutes ago. I'm a patient man, so I didn't mind a little waiting, but it made me wonder if they forgot I was coming home today.

Eventually my dads silver car pulled up.

"Did you have a good trip son?" He asked.

"It was alright. I'll tell you about it over dinner."

My dad has been letting me handle more and more pack business so I can become aquatinted with other alphas around. It was good for to to start building a good reputation for myself, I just hated how often I had to be away from home. More often than not, I was across state. It does something to you when you're not around your pack for a while. Especially considering I'm an Alpha.

My dad helped me load my things into the trunk. After that I settled in the back seat next to my sister. I would take the front seat, but my mom was already there and I didn't want to make her move.

"Hey Ash, have you been good?" I asked her.

"I have! I'm top of my physics class!" She said animatedly.

Ashley may not look like it, but she's a huge science nerd. Sure, she can be a little aggressive, but under her tough exterior hid a really smart girl.

"Where would you like to eat tonight?" My mom asked turning in her seat.

"Somewhere that serves steak."

My dad drove us to the closest steakhouse. After being seated and placing our orders, we got to business.

"So son, tell me how it went." Dad started.

"Things went smoothly, no bumps."

The purpose for my latest business endeavor was to renew an old peace treaty with Dark Moon pack.


"There was pretty much no change in the treaty. The only difference is that now we can send less wolves to help if they get attacked, not that we would necessarily do that anyway."

"Why is that?"

"Dark Moon lost a little over a hundred wolves recently due to their old alpha. After his mate died, he went on a killing spree. His son is now taking over because it's obvious he is no longer suited for the title of alpha.

"Due to the major drop in numbers, they are no longer able to send as many wolves to our pack if we need them. In exchange, it was decided we would lower the required number of fighters to transfer over."

"You handle pack business very well son. You're going to make a good alpha."

I just smiled at him in return.

"In other news, we have a new house guest."

"We do? Why?"

"She got kicked out of her old pack and was sent to stay with us for a little while."

"Why did she get sent to us? If she got kicked out, wouldn't she be a rouge?"

"Not exactly." My dad continued, "she's the beta of Red Winds daughter. We have been close with that pack for a while now and when Markus asked me for this favor I couldn't deny him."

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