It's My Fault

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Song- How to Save a Life, The Fray

I woke up to an annoying beeping noise. Where is that coming from and why won't it shut up? Oh, right that's my alarm clock.

I groaned,looking up to see the time.


Who wakes up at 6:30 anyway? Sure it's Wednesday and I'm supposed to go to school, but in my book, school is just a suggestion.

Unplugging my alarm clock, I snuggled back into bed for a few more hours of sleep. Who needs school when I have this warm, comfy bed?

I got released from the cells a few days ago and things have been pretty quiet.

Five hours later, I'm fully rested and ready to start my day. Looking at my phone, I saw three unread messages.

7:45 Katie

-why aren't you at school? Do u need a ride?

8:09 Katie

-I'm guessing you're still in bed

8:30 Katie

-if ur ditching then I am too, call me when u wake up so we can hang out :P

Rolling my eyes I looked through my contacts and called Katie.

It took exactly three rings for her to pick up.

"Sophia Carter, why haven't you been responding to my texts? And why weren't you at school today?"

"Woah dude, one question at a time, and I told you not to call me by my first name."

"Sorry C, your first name is just so pretty! how can you not like the name Sophia!"

"Anyway, back to the topic, what are we doing today?"

"Don't know, we could just hang out at your place and go for a run." She suggested.

"Sounds good, just come over whenever."

"Okay, see ya soon!" Katie said before hanging up.

Guess I should get out of bed before she gets here. Rolling out of my bed I looked in my drawers for an outfit.

After picking up the first thing my hand touched, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I got dressed into some skinny jeans and a black t-shirt.

There's no need for an outfit considering we're probably only going for a run.

After getting ready I just waited around for her to show up. I watched a few shows and soon enough there was a knock on my door.

When I opened the door I saw Katie with her mate Grayson.

Katie met Grayson a little under a year ago. He's a year older than us and a senior. When their eyes first made contact, it was obvious to everyone that they were mates.

Ever since Greyson and Katie helped me with one of my master plans, they've proven to be useful sidekicks. Keeping them around seemed pretty convenient for me.

"So what's the plan for today?" Katie enthusiastically asked as I let them into the house. "Maybe we could watch a movie first!"

"No way, I'd rather not sit next to you two love birds during a movie. I was thinking we could just go for a run and see if there's anything cool in town."

"C, there's no need to be dramatic, I'm sure we're not that bad." Greyson said, adding his input.

"Actually yea, you are." I said back, shuddering, remembering the last time I had agreed to watch a movie with them. They were practically making babies on my couch!

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