**Bonus-Carter's Legacy**

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"Asher, should we get blue or pink?" I asked, holding up two onesies.

"We don't know the gender yet." He responded, "Is there anything gender neutral?"

"All the gender neutral stuff is ugly though." I pouted.

"Why don't we get clothes later and stick to toys and essentials?"

"Fine. I just want to make a good impression."

"On who? The baby?"

"Duh, who else?"

Asher laughed at me. "The baby hasn't even been born yet, stop worrying."

"I know, but babies always hate me, and I don't want my future niece or nephew to hate me."

"I'm sure they'll love you, stop worrying. We need to hurry because the baby shower is in an hour and Ashley will kill me if we're late."

"I think it would be funny to watch her take you down considering she's 7 months pregnant."

"Haha." He laughed dryly, narrowing his eyes.

"We should get something for her and Jay too. What do new parents want?"

"Condoms." He deadpanned.

"That's a great idea! It'll be so funny!" I said, turning and running to the front of the store where the condoms were.

"Wait! Carter no, it was a joke!" Asher yelled, grabbing our cart and running after me.

"Should we get extra thin or ultra? What does ultra even mean?"

"Okay, since it looks like you're dead set on getting condoms, make sure it's clear that they aren't from me at all."

"Deal." I said throwing both boxes in the cart.

"Now can we please get back to baby shopping?" I nodded and stood on the front of the cart while he pushed us back to the baby aisles.

"Oh cool! It's a baby sized monster truck!" I pointed to the large display. "Oh look! They have a three foot robotic dinosaur!"

"Carter, what if the baby is a girl?"

"Who says girls can't like monster trucks and dinosaurs?"

"I see your point, but I think the baby will be too young to play with that. Here, what about this tummy time play set?"

"This is good but do they have any cooler ones?" I asked taking the box from Asher and examining it.

I looked back at Asher to find him already staring at me, smiling.


"I like this."

"Way to be specific babe." I rolled my eyes at him.

He chucked at me. "I think it's cute how invested you are in getting good baby supplies. It makes me curious as to how you're gong to react when we have our own pups."

"Woah woah woah. Slow down! It took us a whole year before we mated and I graduated barely four years ago!"

"Most weres have three or more kids by now." He said still smiling.

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