Tickle War

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My wolf whined inside me, begging me to turn around and and make things right with Asher. Admittedly, I wanted the same thing, but my stupid pride was in the way. Why should I apologize first when I didn't even do anything?

My legs were growing weak under me. I had long left Asher's territory, running in no particular direction. I wasn't apart of the pack and Asher hasn't marked me yet, so there's no way for him, or anyone for that matter, to contact me.

I ran until I was sure my legs were swollen. It was no longer mid afternoon, it seemed to be late night or early morning. Deciding to stop at the next town, I stopped running and quickly got dressed. Thankfully before I it out of Asher's territory I grabbed a clothes stash.

I quickly found a small town and made my way to the motel which seemed to be the only thing open at this hour. When I walked in, there was a single receptionist who looked as if she was about to fall asleep.

When she saw me, she straightened up, composing herself into a more professional manner.

"Hello, welcome to West Inn Motel, would you like to book your stay?" She politely asked.

I declined and forced myself to make eye-contact instead of staring at the huge mole on her chin. "I'm really sorry for the trouble, but do you think I could borrow your phone?"

"How old are you?" She asked, eyeing my skeptically.


Without another word, she thrust the phone at me. "Call your parents, there probably worried sick dear." She said before turning herself to face the computer.

If only she knew.

Without anymore hesitation, I dialed his number.

"Hello?" Ryan said from the other line, sounding surprisingly awake.

"Don't say my name if you're in a group. I don't want anyone to know I'm calling you."

"Wait, are you okay?" Ryan asked.

"Get yourself alone so I can talk to you." I demanded.

I heard some mumbling on the other side of the line, and than the clock of a door. "Where the hell are you?" Ryan whispered.

"I'm not sure, but listen, and don't tell anyone, especially Asher, that I called."

"Everyone has been looking for you for hours! I have direct orders from the Alphas to notify them as soon as I get any information about you."

"And not you have direct orders from the Luna not to listen to those direct orders."

"You're going to be the death of my Carter."

"Maybe. But just listen, I need you to come pick me up, and come alone."

"Where are you?"

"Uh West Inn Motel in," I turned around and looked that the receptionist lady. "What state are we in?"


"West Inn Motel in Oregon." I finished.

"Holy shit! You ran all the way to Oregon?"

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