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Today will be my first day back since my since my suspension. That also means it will be my first day of community service.

I was running late today, so I told Jay I would get Macon or Monica to give me a ride.


No response.

"Macon!" I tried louder.

Again, no response.

"He's not here."

Asher was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking as if he just woke up.

I probably woke him up with my screaming.


"What's wrong?" Asher said around a yawn.

"I'm late for school and I don't have a ride. It's alright though, I'll just stay here."

That idea sounds mot appealing than going to school.

"I can give you a ride."

That's when it clicked.

"Why aren't you at school? Are you late too?"

"I start at third period. the only late one here is you."

"Well then yea, can you give me a ride."

"Of course, just hold on."

A few minutes later Asher came back downstairs fully dressed with his car keys in hand.

Not even I could get dressed that quick!

I followed him out to his car and got in. after Asher started the car, he was speeding down the street.

We got to school in record time.

After I got out I started rushing to the office to get a late slip. What surprised me was when two arms wrapped around me and I got pressed to someone's chest.

"Have a good day at school Carter." Asher said.

"You sound like a dad when you say that. It's weird."

Asher laughed loudly and let me go. "Get to class."

"Now you sound like a teacher!" I said as I walked away.

Asher continues laughing and the sound was like music to my ears.

I like making him laugh. I like seeing his smile.

I got my late slip, and went to class. And of course, when I walked in, everyone stared.

I ignored them as I gave my teacher my late slip and sat down.

I tuned out most if what the teacher was saying. Only listening a little bit.

"Settle down class! As I was saying, you will be partnered up and you will make a 3D map of the school. It should have all the things normal maps have, like a compass rose and a key, but it will be 3D and it must be to scale. I will pass out the paperwork once your all partnered up. The paper will have all the needed demesions and more in-depth instructions. Any questions? No. Good."

When he released us to pick our partners, everyone automatically paired up with their friends. I just sat alone waiting for someone to be paired up with me because I didn't have any friends in this class.

"Um, excuse me, do you want to be partners?"

Is she talking to me? Probably not.

Then I felt a tap fall on my shoulder.

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