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"Are you ready?" He asks, grabbing my hands and bringing them to his lips.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Today was the day. The day Asher would take his father's title and become Alpha, and in turn making me Luna.

I think I'm going to puke.

Who would have thought that me, little rebellious Carter would end up mated to an Alpha and become the Luna of his pack? I honestly can't even wrap my head around it, and I've had months to prepare.

I haven't even graduated yet! I can't handle this responsibility!

On the stage, not that I could really call it a stage considering how small it was, Macon stood talking some bullshit about how the pack has grown and will grow even stronger with Asher as Alpha. I wasn't paying attention because I was more focused on running this pack of wolves that I don't even like.

I am looking forward to bossing Chase around however. He still tries to 'make things up to me.' Yes, I completely take advantage of him.

Normally, the Alpha and Luna have separate ceremonies, but for the sake of things, Asher and I decided to combine it. After the ceremony, everyone gathers at the pack house and has a kick ass party. All the old and boring adults go to an 'adult party' where they drink fancy wine and wear formal outfits. The rest of us however, go to a super gross, and nasty party with cheap illegal beer and blaring music.

I can't wait!

Macon suddenly stopped talking and the crowd started applauding.

"That's my cue." Asher bent down and kissed me check quickly before walking out onto the stage.

He nodded at the pack motioning for them to calm down. This is the part where I have to start listening so I can hear my queue to walk onstage.

"I promise, I will lead well and protect the pack with my life..." Asher started.

Okay, so maybe I can tune out a little bit. I'm sure none of that's important anyway.

"Hey Babs!"

I tuned to see Jay standing, wearing nice clothes. I know I shouldn't be shocked to see him here, but I am.

"Jay? What are you doing here? And shouldn't you be in the crowd?"

"Asher has been assigning me little tasks within the pack to help with my recovery. He knew you wouldn't be listening to the ceremony, so be hired me to help you with your queue."

Asher knows me so well. That's true love right there.

I smile at Jay. It's almost as if what happened never happened. You know someone is your true friend when you can make up and everything will go back to normal. I'm happy Jay is trying to recover and get to the root of his problems, and even though I hate to admit it, I'm happy he and Ashley are working out. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.

"Babs, go, go!" He whispered, pushing me out onto the stage.

Oh yea, the ceremony.

The crowd thundered into applause as soon as I was visible. I quickly made my way to where Macon and Asher were standing in the middle of the stage. I tried my best to look happy, because somewhere inside me, I was a little bit. On the outside however, I was terrified and I probably had a disgusted look on my face due to all the noise the pack was making.

Oh well.

Macon quickly hushed the crown again so my ceremony could start.

Asher gave me a desperate glance. 'Carter, please, please try to listen for this bit. It's important and you're going to have to repeat after me okay?'

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