Lost Shadow

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"Rise and shine Sophia!" my dad was yelling.

I know I should have a million things running through my head but my only coherent thought was 'This bįtch.'

Guess that's what happens when you wake me up. Needless to say I am not a morning person.

I get up anyway with a groan and a yawn. Stretching, I look up to the stern face of my dad looking down at me.

"Sophia, pack your things and be downstairs an hour."

And with that, my dad leaves the room.

'Trent! Get your ass up here!'

A few moments later Trent bounded up the stairs and burst into my room.

"The Queen has summoned me?"

"Dad just told me to pack all my shit and be down in an hour."

Trends eyes bulged. "What the hell? he works fast!"

"What do I do?"

"I'll go talk to him. The best thing to do is start packing because we don't need to anger him more."

I huffed and threw my blankets off before getting my suitcase out of my closet.

I don't have too much clothes so I just empties the contents of my drawers into my suitcase,not even bothering to fold it. next I pack my laptop and chargers into a backpack. getting another suitcase out of my closet, I pack up the contents of my bathroom. The rest if my morning goes at this rate until most of the contents of my room are not so neatly packed.

Checking the time I see it has taken me an hour and forty minutes to pack. What can I say, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Going down stairs, still in my pajamas, not that it bothered me, I went to see what the future would hold.

Damn I should have gotten dressed.

When I went downstairs my dad, the Alpha, and another strange man stood. They all wore impatient looks.

"I thought I told you to be down in an hour." my dad said.

Feigning ignorance I responded with a shrug.

Shaking his head the alpha spoke, "You are being transferred to Lost Shadow pack."

"You can't be serious." I said, or at least tried to say before I was cut off.

"Young lady, that is no way to speak to your superiors." the guy who I didn't quite know yet said.

"Sorry." I said sarcastically.

Apparently the guy didn't pick up on it or he chose to ignore it.

My dad continued talking.

"This is Macon. Be nice because he is the Alpha of the pack you will be staying with. You will be staying under his supervision during your stay in Lost Shadow."

"Go get your things because you are leaving now." Macon coldly stated.

I've always been difficult. I came into this world kicking and screaming, literally. For the last month of my mom's pregnancy I blocked her colon and prevented her from going to the bathroom until shortly before going go to labor. But now, more than ever, I felt the need to be as difficult as possible.

I took my bags down one at a time. even my smaller bags and backpacks. I only had about five bags but I still wanted to make a point.

When I had brought my last bag downstairs, my brother and dad were in a heated argument.

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