Love, Dad

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I can't breath.

I can't sit up.

I started freaking out and kicking, trying to sit up. I stopped when I heard a loud thump and realized something had fell into the floor.

I looked across my bed to see Asher on the floor in a heap, tangled with the blankets.

"Sorry. I forgot you were in here."

He sat up and grunted at me.

"It's fine."

He looks cute when he's confused. Friends can think that stuff right?

"Well I have to get ready for school. So I guess I'll see you there."

"I'll give you a ride today."

"It's fine, Jay can do it."

"Friends are allowed to give each other rides."


"I'll meet you downstairs in an hour." He got off the floor and left before I could reply.

After getting ready, I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I was leaning against the island eating my apple when Ashley came in. She sneered at me and opened the fridge, grabbing a yogurt.

She stood across from me and watched me eat my apple.

"What?" I snapped annoyed at her.

"I don't know what you did to get my brother warped around your fat ass finger, but you need to stop."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Asher doesn't even like you, you're just the new toy that will wear out and he'll loose interest."

"I'm sure he will."

"You just wait. Same goes for Jay. You're just their slut of the week."

That does it.

I put my apple down on the island and stared at her for a second before pouncing on her and ripping her bleach blonde hair out.

Sure, she may have alpha blood, but my wolf was pissed and was out for vengeance. I hopefully have more fighting skill than her too, so it should be an easy win.

I hope.

I was throwing punches to her stomach and she was pulling at my hair, no doubt ripping huge chunks out. She ran her lizard claw nails down my face and I slapped her.

I was close to shifting, but I hear a pissed of Macon yelling. "Stop! Knock it off right now!"

I dropped the skank and touched my face. It was bleeding from where she scratched me and my lip was busted.

My scalp feels like I got all the skin ripped off of it.

My fist is definitely  broken.


I swear my eye is bleeding. I should probably go sit down, my ego just took a huge blow.

Ashley was in the same condition I was. I didn't get to see much of the damage I did however because Macon spoke again.

When I looked up I saw that Asher had joined his father.

"What's going on in here?"

Macon is so pissed.

And then Ashley started fake crying.

"I don't know daddy, I just came in here to get breakfast and she attacked me."

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