More Doctor Visits

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When we arrived back in Lost Shadow, everyone was in a frenzy.

'I should warn you, when you got taken, I freaked out a little and broke some things back at home.' Asher said through mind link, still in wolf form.

"It's okay."

I got off his back and he shifted. Together we walked out of the woods to the front of the pack house.

I'd probably only been here once or twice. I normal spent time at Asher's house, as boring as that sounds. There's not much to do in a small, boring town like this.

People automatically came running and swarming up to us, saying they were glad I was okay and giving me hugs.

I only got a few hugs because Asher pulled me back and growled at everyone.

"Don't touch her."

Damn what crawled up your ass and died?

There was a lot of 'yes Alpha' and 'sorry Alpha' after that.

After everyone was notified that I'd been found, Asher drove me to the pack doctor. I'm surprised he wasn't freaking out that bad. When I had barley hurt my leg, he wouldn't even let me walk and carried me to the doctors office.

Good times, good times.

"Is Jay going to be there?"

"It's probably best if you don't talk about him right now. My wolf is still pissed and wants to kill him."

Shit, all right then.


"It's okay."

The car was quiet for a second. Then Asher sighed and leaned back.

"I was really scared when we couldn't find you."

"It's okay now. You did find me, and that's all that matters." I try to calm him down.

"I had thought you were dead or something. Everyone was looking. Everyone was looking for miles and miles out from the territory, but we still couldn't find you."

"You did find me though."

"Only because Jay made a call to Ashley."

Hold up. What?

"What do you mean?"

"Jay called Ashley and told her to meet him somewhere about three cities over. Ashley told us and that's when we found you."

"What would Jay want with Ashley?"

"I don't know, but we're going to have to find out."

That was strange. Jay and Ashley? I didn't even know he had her phone number.

Once we arrived at the doctor, Asher started behaving in a similar way to when he first took me here. He demanded a room, and didn't even take a second glance at the receptionist.

A doctor came up to the room soon enough, but apparently he took to long in Asher's world.

"I don't know if you've been told," Asher started, "but my mate was attacked and has a giant wound on her shoulder. I would appreciate it if you didn't take as long arriving next time."

"Sorry alpha." The doctor said with little emotion.

The doctor reached my and pulled the sleeve of my shirt back to look at my shoulder. The wound was far too large for him to see completely.

"Alpha sir, I'll need her to remove her shirt so I can completely assess her wound."

Asher looked conflicted. He obviously would prefer if we all kept our clothes on at the moment, but he wanted me to get treatment.

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