Not Perfect But Not Bad

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"Carter, wake up."

No way, I'm exhausted! I feel completely drained.

I rolled over on my side and put the pillow over my head. Hopefully that will help.




Ugh. What the hell?

"Carter, get up. We have to leave in an hour."


"I'll make you bacon and eggs."

I opened one eye and squinted up, still extremely tired.

"And pancakes?"

"And pancakes."

I closed my eyes once more, savoring the finial seconds I had left of sleep before sighing heavily and suppressing a groan. I threw the blankets off of me, narrowly missing Asher's face and made my way to my room across the hall.

Once in my room, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. A red bite mark was now present on my shoulder. I touched it lightly and when my fingers hit my skin, I recoiled and winced. Would it always feel like this?

I hope not.

After getting dressed, I jumped back into my bed, hoping to get in some more sleep.

'The food is ready.'

What the heck? What is that? That is totally not my thought.

'Mind link. I marked you so now we can mind link.'

Oh. Forgot about that.

A sudden rumble from my stomach made me run downstairs towards the smell of food.

When I got to the dining room, everyone was already seated and the food was on the table. Asher had saved me a seat next to him, so I sat down.

I started throwing various foods onto my plate before I realized that no one else was doing the same.

When I looked up, everyone at the table was staring at me. Asher had a large smile in his face that sent butterflies to my stomach. Monica and Ashley both had their jaws slacked and their eyes wide in disbelief. Macon was just smirking at Asher and me as if he knew our dirty little secret.

'Why are they looking at us like that?' I asked Asher through our mind link. It was getting unnerving and it was hard to eat with their piercing eyes on me. Thats new, I normally don't care about that sort of thing. I must be loosing my touch.

'The mark.'

Oh yea, I let Asher mark me. How could I forget about that? Stupid, stupid, Carter!

"Glad to see you've grown a pair son." Macon casually stated while siping his coffee.

Asher rolled his eyes and started eating his food. Macon's words seemed to break the spell of silence and everyone else started eating as well.

"Asher, why did you mark Carter? She has a mate out there somewhere, and so do you!"

"She is my mate mom." He stated incredulously.

Monica blinked a few times at a loss for words. "Why didn't you tell me? And she's been her for a whole month and a half and you never acted strange around her."

"Sorry, now you know."

"So does that mean that she's apart of our pack now?" Ashley asked, looking slightly pale.

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