He's Like a Brother

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Sunday. Asher still isn't back from his trip.

He said he would be back by now.

It's not like I miss him or anything, it's just with Jay in the hospital, I've had to run to school all week.

Yep. I totally don't miss the way he's always ready to help me out and the way he smiles at me when we see each other in the halls and the way he looks at me from across the dinner table. I haven't even been thinking about seeing the stars with him last week, in fact it had slipped my mind until now.

Don't miss him at all.

Macon has been giving me sly looks all week. I hate how adults hear one detail about something, then act as if they know everything. I really wish that Asher had never told him because it's been kinda awkward to be around him.

He caught Asher and me when we came home last week. All he did was give us a knowing look as if he assumed we hade been up to something dirty.

Asher took his car to the pack he visited so he would be driving home. He said driving would be easiest because the pack was kind of far away, and werewolves tend not to like airplanes. Let's just say cramped flying chunks of metal don't mix well with us.

Macon had told me this morning that there was heavy traffic and it was delaying him getting back. Not that I cared or anything. He could be gone another whole week and I would barley bat an eyelash. Probably at least.

The week he has been gone seemed to drag on forever. I've seen Jay every day, but my visits with him have only been getting increasingly awkward. Everyday he would comment on how beautiful I was, or how he wishes I was his mate, or how lucky any guy that ends up with me would be.

I haven't even been in town that long! It's only been three weeks!

"Stop worrying, he'll be here soon."

I looked up to see Macon in my doorway, grinning the the Cheshire cat.

"I'm not worrying." I snappily retorted. I've noticed I've been a little more testy this week. Maybe it's my period?

"When he gets here I'll tell him to come up and see you." His smile grew.

"I don't know why you would do that, it really doesn't matter."

"I'm sure it doesn't."

After our short conversation Macon left and closed my door.

Maybe he's right. I've just been lounging around all day waiting for him to arrive. Not that I cared.

I haven't even gone to visit Jay today! I'm such a horrid friend!

Instead of wasting anymore time, I decided to go to the hospital. After telling Monica where I was going, I shifted and ran to the hospital.

When I got there, the doctor waved me in. I already knew where Jay was because I've been here everyday ever since he got here.

Jay was lying wide awake when I got there. "Hey Babs! I was starting to think you forgot about me."

"I wish I could get your annoying asś out of my head."

"You look stunning, as always."

There it is.

"Yea, yea. Don't you get released today?"

"Sure do! I'm all healed and I'll be able to leave any minute now! We should do something."

"Tomorrow's better." I really would like to hang out, but I can't miss Asher when he's home.

Not that it matters.

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