Chapter 2 Despair of the Fallen?

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Weiss's POV

It has been a week since the poor girl Nix has been living with me.  Headmaster Coco hasn't found out yet but it is only a matter of time. I have been spending my nights in the library trying to find a way to see why angels are suddenly returning to Remnant.

The dusty tome I was currently reading was thousands of years old. I had to carefully turn the pages to keep from destroying it. A certain page in the book was folded over. I smoothed it out carefully. It stated apparently Angels were thought to be extinct on Remnant for thousands of years.

They were the original protectors of Remnant against Grimm. But one thing didn't make sense. A certain verse kept playing in my mind but it wasn't on the pages. Like a old ancestor was speaking to me.

The air smelled of summer. So a old summer maiden by what it seems. 

Black and Rust

Framed, Shamed.

Poor feathered immortal

Your plight

Is someone else's spite.

Failure Remnant burns and burns

In Darkness Eternal


That seems very important. There was no choice I had to report this to Coco. I held the tome as carefully as I could to my chest. The sounds of the night were not the usual peaceful sounds. Wings sounded like to big to belong to a bird were flapping through the air.

The air spiked as the descent of a figure  came into view. The tome in his hand as if I wasn't holding it just 20 seconds ago. 

"Oh who are you?" The voice called to me. His eyes were currently closed it was like he could feel my intake of air. He snapped the tome that I had brought with me shut in his hands. 

He was another fallen one. A scar ran above his right eye his left covered by the the pitch black hair that was blending in and out of the shadows.

"I asked you a question. I won't ask again." His voice became like ice. But more like Blake's used to go not like a person who was evil and cruel. 

"I am Weiss... I teacher at this school who are you?" My voice was hard like I was lecturing a misbehaving student. The Fallen one just opened his eyes and chuckled. The deep silver of his eyes accented his black hair and clothing as a anomaly. 

"I am Fallen Rose. You can do with my name as you wish." He threw the tome to me before flapping his wings getting the air underneath him.

He launched himself into the air. His words coming back on the wind. "Good luck mortal you will need it."

I frowned before resuming my pace back to the head tower of Beacon. Hopefully Coco was awake.


Nix's POV

Weiss has been gone a long time..... I hope something has not happened to her. My now onyx wings quivered as my nervousness was evident.  

I could only remember that I had fallen but not how. That was odd. 

When you fall you are given tasks to repent and have knowledge of what made you fall. How have I lost that memory...

Weiss has been nothing but nice to me and I believe I have been nothing but a burden. Maybe I need to go and take classes here so I can at least stay in a regular dorm room. Weiss has also been tending to my wounds on my legs and arms.

I had fallen into a pile of glass the other day when I tried to check if the fall had damaged my wings, which it had... It would take months before I could properly fly again. 

Weiss has been feeding me too. I don't need to eat but what she makes is so delicious smelling I cannot stop myself.  I think I needed to thank her somehow by trying to find the reason I fell and when I repent I can give her something she wants be it knowledge that ability to be able to reincarnate on death as a angel. Or whatever she wanted. 

It was the least I could do.  

RWBY  Fallen WINGS (2nd book in the Shattering Series)Where stories live. Discover now