Well that could have gone much worse? Really Coco?

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A/N Coco's second theme song.

Nix's POV

"So you are the Fallen One?" A dark brunette stared me down as she lowered her sunglasses. Her clothing a deep coco and mocha like coloring complimenting her hair. A black hat stood on her hair as she studied me like a science experiment.

"....Um...Yes.." I replied nervously picking at the soft feathers at the bottom of my wings. I adverted my eyes as the staredown became uncomfortable. 

"You are the subject of a prophecy and will remain at this school to be trained understood." She took her sunglasses completely off allowing her glare to start piercing my soul.

"Enough Coco!" The slamming of Weiss's hand on the table made me jump but Coco looked the same as she did when glaring at me.

"Weiss." She warned. "We don't know what she is capable of." 

"Then have her take classes here." Weiss stared back at her. Her pupils were starting to turn a deep white. 

"You want me to let a potential danger into my school." Coco yelled as her voice shattered the small mug that she had on the desk.

"Damn it that was my favorite mug. Fine Weiss she will go through initiation with rest of the first years today." Coco started to clean the spill of coffee from the desk to not let it ruin the paperwork all the while cursing under her breath.

"She doesn't even have a weapon. You expect her to run the initiation today?" Weiss looked concerned.

"Your problem Weiss and if she fails I will personally kill her.UNDERSTOOD!" Coco yelled at the top of her lungs causing me to have to hold my ears.

"Understood." Weiss walked from the room stabbing Myrtenaster into wall freezing the pictures. 

"You are dismissed as well Fallen one." Coco turned her back to me as if I was just a insect. I walked from the room with tears in my eyes. 


Weiss stood in the hallway her hand on Myrtenaster gripping it so hard that her knuckles were a bright red. She turned to face me. The anger on her face evident.

"Do you have a weapon?" Weiss stared me dead in the eyes her voice dripping with venom from the hatred that was aimed at Coco.

"I....I don't know about one?" I frowned as my wings twitched as Weiss flung her arms in the air.

"Well I hope you can fight without one. Get to the outside and meet the first years. I can not stop this." Weiss throw Myrtenaster at the wall embedding it to the hilt before ripping forcefully exposing the classroom with a frightened professor.

"I am sorry for scaring you Neo." Weiss ran from the room as I was left with a frightened rainbow like hair. Her eyes seemed to change color constantly. She seemed to have a box that she was tapping that produced a voice.

"You must be Nix." She smiled as she looked upon me. She felt my wings as if testing them before plucking a single onyx feather. Before looking upon it making it disappear in front of my eyes before reappearing in her hands. 

She had to be easily amused. "Um..Yes I am Nix." Neo looked at me before typing more words on a small handheld device that caused the box to talk again.

"Of course you are. I don't know of any other student with onyx wings." Neo's eyes shifted to a pink and white in different eyes. She seemed fascinated by me like I was a science experience.

"Um. I am not a student.." I started to try to move away from her. She wrapped her hand around my shoulder hauling back.

"Sure you are. You will be going through initiation right?" The box spoke with a vigor as she frantically typed.

"Well. Yes...." I started before she put her finger to my lips.

"Well then you better get to the grounds. They will be starting soon." Neo then released me as she smiled before plucking another ebony feather from my wings and leaving me with the chills from the plucking.

"Well hell I need to get out there." I frowned before I ran out to the grounds.

RWBY  Fallen WINGS (2nd book in the Shattering Series)Where stories live. Discover now