Intro to WNGS. Welcome Gareth?

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A/N Who is ready for some fourth wall breaking? Well I can promise that Nix will be doing that this chapter. Well anyway look forward to the songs that are for characters in team WNGS. This Song is for G or Gareth Emerald. 

 You all know Nix's and next chapter will have Wendy's theme. You will meet her next chapter as well.

Hello....Welcome back to a story that is supposed to be based off my trails but your glorious writer of the book decided to introduce a new set of OC'S....

I digress though. I need to tell my portion of the initiation since he decided to tell CRMN's.

Well I have meet a group of 3 people. Wendy Goldstein, Gareth emerald, and Samuel Shadow.  Gareth was the first one I met in these woods on the way to the cavern.

How to describe him. He is a person who loves animals especially one's with wings. So when he saw me with his cute green eyes and sandy blonde hair, he immediately ran to me with curious eyes touching my wings before I could tell him to stop.

When I finally got the courage to tell him to please stop he had already taken a feather from my wings. He looked gleeful with the little onyx plume and I didn't want to spoil that.  

"Oh hi you must be Nix or as the teachers have been calling you the Fallen one. What is up with that?" He started talking so fast before I could answer he was already onto the next topic.

"I don't know why they would think bad of such beautiful onyx plumage. Oh sorry of a beautiful female with a magnificent wingspan.

This was getting weird fast.  I got the feeling he thought of me more as a set of wings than a being with feelings. 

"So," He began eyeing me closely."Where is your weapon?"  

I felt my plumage puff in embarrassment. I didn't have or one that I was aware of. I have tried to think of how other angels have weapons only to draw a blank. This amnesia was getting annoying.

"Um..." I started my cheeks inflamed as he stared into my eyes anticipating my answer with a extreme interest his eyes twinkled as he caught on. Not with amusement as before but with disdain.

 "How the hell did you make it into the school without a weapon.... Damn it stick close to me so you don't get killed..." He placed his long sandy blonde hair into a ponytail before reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small pen.

The light gleamed off the golden pen revealing letters it seemed in Greek.

I stared at the pen with concern. "That is your weapon?" 

"Sorry sweetheart it is a lot better than yours and do not judge Riptide." He seemed very protective of the pen he just called Riptide. I imagine it has some property of transformation or it shoots poison darts. 

I felt his obvious distain like a knife. He was just liking my wings before but I guess he is right I did not belong at this school.

"Well I know you are not dense come lets go meet the remainder of the team." I felt the pitter of tears as I follow him.

He is one of the worst.

RWBY  Fallen WINGS (2nd book in the Shattering Series)Where stories live. Discover now