Mephisto versus Coco Finale.

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Mephisto's POV

"Coco you were supposed to be my host when I joined with Nix and gained my power back." I flitted my wings as I began to go toward her a defiant look in Coco's hazel eyes.

Coco took me coming toward as a challenge which would have been correct. She fired more bullets at me this time I allowed them to all hit me. 

Bullets entered my body and blood began to flow from me as Coco began to become confident. She brought herself close to me and when her shadow blocked the light of the sun I pounced on the chance.

Unleashing the darkness that I would use to absorb Coco's form. The darkness began to flit toward her face and was beginning to absorb her when as flash of golden light sent me into the tree that I shredded the apples on.

The skin of my body was bright red as the angelic light burnt me. 

The source was the Silver eyes staring down at me with a golden flare to her eyes. A crimson scythe outlined with the gold of heaven was held behind her back. The light came from that scythe as it smoked a little from a barrel in the weapon.

"You will not hurt my friends!" The dark black hair of hers glinted in the sunlight highlighting the small amount of red in her hair. If she was not my enemy I would have took her as a wife. Her wings were a deep silver turning gold like Michaels.

"Friends huh? Where was she when you died?" A look of confusion breached her face as if to contemplate the answer.

"Ruby! Do not listen to him." I turned to my right with shadows dancing around my eyes to see a white haired girl with scar above her eye, a rapier in hand that was glowing bright red.

I smiled as I sent some of my shadows toward her only to be shot by Ruby and the scalding sting of Angelic light and fire burning the flesh.

I smiled it has been a long time since I have been in a battle where I was in a corner.

"I will take you both on. White haired female you will wish you didn't interfere."  I flitted myself into the air casting my power toward the sun causing the moon to eclipse it the moon casting shadows upon Remnant the perfect setting to settle things.

RWBY  Fallen WINGS (2nd book in the Shattering Series)Where stories live. Discover now