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I sighed.

The frustration of being without a mate at age eighteen was huge, and the pressure to find one was even bigger.

How I wish I could just find my mate already.

"Please find me." I whispered in the wind as I sat with Liam at the edge of the cliff, watching the sunset.

It was our thing; we always watched the sunset and sunrise together.

Kate understood Liam and my relationship, and she gave us our space together. Since she was at school most of the day and I was at training with Liam and my dad since I was my dad's third in command; Liam and I spent a lot of time together. He was like my big brother - who I sometimes wanted to strangle for pulling pranks on me - but we loved each other a lot.

I loved being surrounded by nature, it always makes me feel more alive.
Like the the smells of the forest, the dampness of the soil under my feet/paws, the taste of morning dew held by large leaves.

The streams of water rushing down, would wash away the negativity of never finding my mate and also make me feel like I'm able to breathe within them.

My senses loved every inch of this place, especially the wolf within me... The sand between my toes and under my paws, the bushes brushing my fur with distinct aroma's; it was so amazing.

"If you think too hard about it, you're going to chase him away." Liam chuckled.


"Your mate."

"How did yo-" my question stopped in its tracks as Liam cut it short.

"How did I know?" he rose an eyebrow.


"Because not so long ago, it was me who sat here thinking too hard and you telling me I'd chase my mate away if I thought about it too hard." he grinned.

"How do I not remember this?" I questioned in confusion.

"Because you have the memory span of a goldfish." He chuckled, my only reply being a punch to his shoulder as I stood up to start my way back home as darkness fell.

Liam stood silently, following behind me as I tried not to overthink about my mate.

Soon we were at the fork in the road where the path to Liam's house strayed from mine and I gave him a simple "Goodnight." before wandering down the path alone and the lights of my home started glowing brighter.

Dinner was silent. My mother's great cooking doing its job to make our stomach's full and keep our mouth's busy.

After dinner and washing the dishes, I wished my parents a good night's rest and went upstairs to my bedroom where I took a long shower, changed and went straight to bed; the days' training completely taking its toll as I faded into nirvana.



"Lexi, get away from him, he's a rogue ... We need to kill him, now!"

"I know that, Eric, but I can't do it. He used to be the one I was in love with once, you know. Feelings don't just fade! I'll always love you, Marcus, but you have to leave..."

"I won't leave you! If I go, I'm taking you with me, princess! I love you Lexi, please... Run away with me? Leave this place and we'll be happy together somewhere else, I promise. You're my forever. I promised you I would take you away from here!"

"No, Marcus, I can't... My place is here with my Alpha and Luna... I'm their daughter, I have to stay! I'm sorry."

"No Lexi, please!"

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