Luke's POV #BonusChapter

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Author's Note: Thank you, Midika for this gorgeous Banner!
I love it!

Anyone want to send me a banner?
E-mail it to me at with your usernames as the 'Subject'.

Love ya!

And now for the moment basically everyone has been waiting for!


Luke's Point Of View

I searched far and wide for the blue eyed wonder. And the day I met Lexi, all the pieces fell into place. She was the one. The one I've been dreaming about for almost two years and it all made sense. The Goddess had given me a taste of who I was meant for and now that I had her, I would never let go.

No matter how much she pushed me away from her after the death of Jamie.

Since I've come to know about his existence, he had visited me when nobody else would, reminding me of who I was and who I was meant to be.

I had told him about my dream and the day I introduced Lexi to the pack he was just as happy as I was, for she would help the person who I was to be the person I was meant to be.

"Greatness." he always used to say.

That single word had been what I had strived for even before I met her.

My drinking habits - gone.

The misery - faded.

But the sadness of Jamie would never disappear.

He may not have been adored by many or even loved by the person he was meant for but heaven knew the ache that kept slipping through the mind-link Lexi and I shared was slowly devouring me piece by piece.

"I'll train her." Vulcan leaning on the post of my door as I signed off a few papers.


"To keep her busy and make her stronger. Either way, it benefits her more than what sulking in her bedroom does." he shrugged.

"Go ahead then. Try to get her outside. Heaven alone knows that I've tried getting her out of that bedroom. But if you succeed by some miracle, train her and do it well." I peered up at him from under my brow.

"I will." was his only reply as he disappeared from view.

Minutes or hours passed, I had no idea. Looking up, Penelope suddenly sat in the seat in front of my desk.

"How long have you been sitting there?" I questioned as I went back to reading an article on a charity event I donated money for.

"About forty-five minutes but it's no biggy." she smiled.

"What do you want?" I sighed looking back up. When Penelope waited that long for something, it meant she was serious. Persistent Penelope being her nickname.

"The wedding. I'm planning it. You just sit back and hand me the money." she giggled.

"Nothing flashy. I want to see everything first before paying for it." I sat back in my chair, the vibrations of it soothing the knots that have formed in my back from sitting forward and slouching too long.

"Fine!" she sighed.

"Anything else?"

"Just be there when I tell you to be." she ordered.

This girl had an attitude to her that I rarely liked but she was the mate of my Third in Command. I had to like her or I'd have an uprising.

"Starting now..." she giggled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Let's go, Mr. Alpha. Time to go get you a suit and do some cake tasting and look at some flowers and decide on wedding colours, etc, etc." she grinned.

"Do we have to do it now?" I sighed.

"Yes, now. Your future wife isn't exactly letting me in her room so the duties of the wedding fall upon you now." she said pointedly.

I hated this woman and this idea of hers was exactly why. Annoying creature.

"Fine. But I'm taking the Jeep and we're listening to Red Hot Chilli Peppers." I grunted before standing and stomping out of my office without even sparing her a glance.

Two hours later, I found myself in a pink shop on a pink seat, eating pink cake.

"I hate you." I whispered.

"Just taste the damn thing, they can change the colour." She smacked my shoulder causing me to cough away a growl.

"I want red velvet cause Lexi loves it so we're taking red velvet. I don't want to taste more." I put the plate down and attempted to stand up only to have Penelope pull me back down into my seat.

"Just a couple more. Pleeeeeeease?" She begged, emphasising the 'P'.

"No, enough now. Let's just fit my suit. I want to go home." I grunted.

"But you're forgetting the flowers." she pouted.

"Oh for crying out loud woman! I'm a man. I fuck shit up, not pick flowers and go 'tralala' so stop it."

"Well you sure act like one on her period." she whispered under her breath.

"I heard that."

"It's just flowers, stop being such a cry baby!" she smacked my arm before dragging me out of the shop."Now, let's see. Which flowers do you think Lexi will like?" she questioned once inside the flower shop across from the cake shop.

"Tiger lilies. Now let's go!" I turned around, but her hold on my ear had me stopping in my tracks "Let me go before I rip your arm off!" I growled.

"But you haven't picked a colour yet?" her grip on my ear letting go.

"Are there really that big difference between colours? Pick one that would match the wedding. White and red. Do I really have to do everything with you? This place is making me feel uncomfortable and less manly." I shivered.

"Never seen an Alpha become so insecure in my life. Do it again. It's funny." She grinned.

"No. Let's go or I leave you here."

"Just bare with me would you? It's for Lexi." her voice persuasive.

"You're lucky I love that woman or you'd be stranded here." annoyance slipping through the tone in my voice.

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