Thirty Five

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Stephan, Brian, Kristina and Jason kept quiet the whole drive as Kate and Liam followed behind in his blue hatchback.

I had no idea why Brody, Zak, London and their daughter Evelyn accompanied them but they did.

"Must be Luke's idea." my wolf snorted.

I sped towards my former pack, anxiously tapping my index fingers on the steering wheel while the past came rushing towards me with no sign of retreat let alone mercy.

In the close to 20 years of my existence have I experienced more heartbreak than peace and I wondered if it was the Moon Goddess who wished to punish me for being a Prophecy child.

The urge to push forward had my foot growing heavy on the gas and only when Kristina's hand touched my shoulder did I realize that I was doing 105mp/h.

Suddenly I slammed the breaks on, causing the Jeep to skid sideways on the four-laned icy road.

"Fuck!" Stephan exclaimed as the stuffing popped out from the leather seat he so desperately clawed onto for dear life.

Gravity started to swing us in circles across the abandoned road, my head barely registering what happened around us as the numbness set in once more.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Brian mumbled only to have Kristina smack him in the face with a paper bag.

Before the Jeep came to a proper stop, I popped the door open and jumped out, dropping to my knees as tears flowed down my face.

The doors to the Jeep swung open as the Jeep came to a halt, Brian's distinctive emptying of his stomach being the only sound I heard before a scream came flying up my throat.

It tasted like desperation, repent, hate, regret, anger and overall sadness.

"Lexi, calm down." Jason urged as he attempted to pull me up into his arms for comfort.

"Let me handle it." Kristina whispered.

"Okay." he mumbled .

"Lexi... It's okay to let go but think about it. Do you really think he'd want this? You being unhappy, endangering your own life?"

"No." I breathed.

"Then get your ass up, woman up and handle this. You and I both know you're so much stronger than this. I mean, come the fuck on, you're an Elemental, a mate to a beast and a mother of two who faced more demons in a single year than any other person has in a bloody lifetime."

I looked up into her eyes for some kind of hope... And it was there, daring me to grab a hold and never let go.

"You know what... You're right. My dad wouldn't want me to wallow and waste away like this. That's not how he raised me." I whispered before vigorously wiping at my tears.

"Exactly my point." she said in a duh-tone, grinning.

"You don't know how grateful I am that I met you." I chuckled.

"Yeah, likewise. Now can we get out of this cold please? Cause I think Brian's turning into a popsicle." she giggled.

"I heard that!" he shouted before his teeth began to clatter loudly.

"More like you hurled it!" Stephan snorted only to receive a smack in the chest.

"You guys are disgusting." Kristina grunted.

"More immature than disgusting if you ask me." Jason chuckled.

"I was talking about all of you." she rolled her eyes.

"Hey! What did I do?" he exclaimed, his mouth agape.

"Don't tell me you forgot about last night?" she smirked.

"Tha-that was a one time thing." he mumbled.

"Do I even want to know what happened?" I smirked.

"Well I uh-" Jason started only to be cut off by a growl from Kristina.

"Don't you dare go there or I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to you." she snarled.

"Yes ma'am." he squeaked.

"Can we stop talking about your bad bedroom habits and go now please?" Stephan pleaded, kicking a heap of snow.

"I'm with Stephan on that one, let's go before Liam sees this. I need to get to my father without my best friend freaking out about us." I clapped my hands together, laughing nervously as I approached the Jeep.

"Let me." Stephan breathed, his fast movement carrying me over to the other side of the car, before putting me down and opening the door.

47 Minutes Later

Driving up to the pack house of my former-

"Still is yours." my wolf smirked.

-Current pack, I noticed three familiar faces waiting us in.

"Lexi!" a little voice squealed, running towards me as I jumped out the Jeep.

"Oh my gosh, Stella! You've gotten big!" I exclaimed, catching her as she leaped into my arms, squealing as I swung her around.

"You betcha! Gonna be big and strong just like you Lexi." she puffed her tiny chest out.

"I sure hope so kiddo!" I smiled putting her down.

"I'm sure you know we don't have much time for chitchat." Solomon voiced, smiling glumly.

"Of course." my smile fading instantly. "I'll catch up with you later, okay?" I sighed touching her cheek.

"Promise? And say hello to Mr. Alpha for me, I miss him." she pouted sadly.

"I promise. And I will." I whispered, ruffling her hair before turning around and heading into the pack hospital after Solomon.

Entering his office, he shut the door behind me and pulled a chair out for me.

"I can imagine you were in shock when I called you and that you didn't hear exactly what ails your father."

"You could say that yes, but shock would be an understatement."

"Why are you so... Casual about this?"

"Because it's what my father would want."

"You're so much like him."

"Don't talk like he's dead... Now tell me what's wrong."

"Your father has a rare illness that our history has only seen twice before him."

"Is it curable?"

"I'm afraid the first two patients died before one could be found. So the answer is no."

"And have you tried?"

"Of course I have. You know I would do anything for John, he saved my life. I am eternally endebted to him."

"I know Sol. I just don't understand why this is happening. And now of all times."

"I understand we've caught you off guard but you were meant to be Alpha, even if he wasn't ill and dying."

"How long does he have left?"

"I thought he had time, enough time... But it seems to be progressing much faster than what it has last week."

"How long, Sol?" I urged.

"His days are numbered..." he paused, "And by numbered I mean there's less than a handful."

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