Twenty Eight

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I was locked up for four days.

But my hosts didn't treat me as badly as Marcus had when he took me from my people.

I had meals brought to my room 3 times a day and a doctor brought in twice a day.

The rest of the time passed either with me being alone with my thoughts or with the huntress who I've come to know as Veronica standing by the room length window that watched over the mountain from my room.

We were somewhere cold and snowy.

Somewhere far from my people.

Aspen maybe?

And I had no hope.

At all.

"You shouldn't give up..." Hephaustus breathed.

"Easy for you to say. You're a god."

"Do you think you are mortal?" he suddenly appeared in front of my bed, luckily with clothes, unlike the day I got taken.

"Well, duh." I rolled my eyes.

"Think again." his smile smug as he moved to sit down next to me.

"Are you on something? Magic mushrooms? Crystal meth maybe?" my index finger tapping at my chin.

"Don't be stupid." he muttered whilst giving me a bored deadpanned look.

"Then you're obviously being loco... Moco." I laughed, slapping my hand on the bed next to me.

"You know. You really are immature when it comes to serious things like this..." his eyes narrowing at me as he folded his arms.

"Call it a defence mechanism."

"Whatever you call it, it's ridiculous."

"Would you just explain already?" I rolled my eyes again.

"If you roll them hard enough I'd imagine you could see your own brain." a smirk back on his face until a glare I gave him wiped it right off.

"I planned for your future and for my future together. Your future.", he pointed at my belly, "Is my release." he smiled simply.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm giving you a gift in a few days Lexi and no matter how you receive it. It will succeed in its purpose."


"You will bare a child stronger than anyone could imagine."


"Stronger than even a god"


"You heard me."

"Who are you talking to?" Veronica's voice startling me as it traveled from the door, my eyes flitting to the door and back to where Hephaestus was.

But he was gone, again.
And she was suddenly standing by the window once more.

"It seems like your mate has discovered your whereabouts." her voice sinister before she turned her head to look at me, a grin plastered on her face "Thanks to your dearest friend, Penelope."


Luke's Point Of View

Penelope took the lead in Richard's black SUV, her pace slow as if trying to delay something.

I was currently stuck in silver shackles in the back of my own car as I have been since I almost crushed both my cousin's throat and skull, and nearly ended his life.

Who even keeps silver in a damn wolf pack?

A grunt escaped me as I slammed my shackles against my knees in frustration.

"You know that won't solve anything, right?" Raphael chuckled, glancing at me through the rear view mirror.

"I know. I just fucking miss her okay?" I sighed.

"And you just almost killed your own family."

"I know."

"Then you should know I'm only taking those off when we get to the mountains."

"We're driving through mountains... Does that mean I can take them off now?" a sly grin forming on my lips.

"I meant the mountains in Aspen, you hormonal manchild." he grunted, turning the volume of the radio higher.


The road to Aspen felt like it went on forever and I swear the gods stood by mocking me and my lovesick heart by stitching on miles onto this endless fucking strip of tar.

5 hours into our trip and my whining got on Raphael's nerves enough to let him take the shackles off and let me into the front seat.

Suddenly the car swerved followed by the sound of breaks screeching as Raphael's knee smashed through the bottom of my steering wheel to slam on the breaks and I found myself faceplanting against the dashboard.

"What the fuck?" I grunted grabbing a hold of my now bloody nose.

"Don't ask me. That woman slammed hers on first! Almost lost control of this beauty!" his eyes as big as saucers.

Clicking the button for the window to turn down, I opened the glove box, ripped a tissue from the tiny box, ripped it in half and stuffed each piece up each nostril and stuck my head through the now open window.

"Penelope?" I yelled, the tissue in the left hole tickling my lip.

"I'm okay!" her hand popping out the sunroof before the door swung open and she stepped out, her nose as bloody as mine.

"What the hell happened, you crazy thing? You forgot your lipgloss or what?" my hand brushing through my hair.

"It's not funny, Luke!" she stomped her foot, looking around as if afraid of something.

"Are you okay?" concern spreading through me as I popped the door open and stepped out of the car, Raphael following close by as I neared Penelope.

"I'm scared." tears in her eyes as she looked up at me.

"We're in the middle of nowhere. There's nothing to fear." I chuckled.

"Thedojc... I did... I'm just so... sjshndk pxjjs jjwmwnxj."she mumbled incoherently.


"I said...-" her face suddenly went pale as if someone sucked the air from her lungs with a vacuum cleaner and her eyes grew large.

"What is it Penelope?"

She lifted her hand and to my surprise this unfazed, confidant girl was shaking.

Her index finger stretched out towards my car and she attempted to speak countless times but it was as if her tongue got cut from her mouth.

"Just say it already!"

Her body started to shake and convulse and soon foam started to spill from her mouth as she fell to the floor...

But her hand never stopped pointing until she breathed one word.

"Rogues." and her body went still.

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