Jason's POV #BonusChapter

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Jason's Point Of View

Ever since I can remember, I've always been among the low ranked pack members.

An odd ball.

A loser.

An Omega.

But fate reshuffled my cards the day my pack and family abandoned me and I found myself being taken in by a rich human family.

With them - I flourished. Great grades, trendy clothes and all the newest gadgets.

As I grew older, I always found myself being the center of attention. The school quarterback who always found luck. The guy with the panty dropping six pack. The guy driving the smart car. The guy who always got the girl.

But one night that changed.

Ever since the night I so romantically treated my girlfriend and high school sweetheart like a chew toy, I've found myself running on a permanent basis, downgrading straight to the rank of 'Lone Wolf'.

Five years passed before I finally found a place to settle down - the Nirvanian Pack.

And as time passed, I found myself climbing the ranks once more until I found myself a comfortable spot upon the dining room table across from the most beautiful, eccentric woman that had my wolfs hormones attacking me on a permanent basis.

Lately I've been spending ages in the gym, fighting my demons, watching Kristina closely as she pushed herself beyond any females limits and making me fall deeper in love with her perfection.

She might not have been from this country or anywhere close to it, but she wasn't from this world either.

Just the way she functioned was different.

Every move she made was so meticulously precise, every muscle under her skin moving with elegance yet almost mechanically and every breath she took was never in sufferance or strain.

She was as fit as a fiddle but behaved almost like a cyborg.

My mind trailed off to various scenarios that almost had my mouth watering.

All due respect to her, I know she has a mate... But I'd like to show her a good time.

And treat her right of course.

Because who has a mate and knows who they are but doesn't give them the time of day?

I got shoved out of my enchanted daydreams by soft thuds on the forest floor in the distance, nearing us and invading my eardrums.

And as I stood amongst the men, watching our Alpha lose his mind, that's when I heard it... The call.

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