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I woke up to the sun against my skin, the rays of sunlight dancing on my face and a smiling Luke next to me, watching me intently...

"Well, good afternoon my Luna." he said in his husky i-just-woke-up-voice that made me want to kiss him all over.

"Hmmmm." I groaned softly as I looked into his hypnotic green eyes and thought about how much he has come to mean to me and how much I loved him.

"I know you do."

"Stop listening to my thoughts."


"Cause I said so."

"Ahw...But they're so sexy."

"Stop it." I growled playfully through our mind-link, stuffing a pillow in his face before I got out of bed and stalked over to the en-suite, only to be thrown against the head with the same pillow.

"Childish much?"

"Says she who tried to smother me into oblivion then stalked away looking all sexy with that ass... Oh my Goddess, that ass..." he sighed dramatically.

"Your hormones are attacking me again." I smirked.

"Only cause they like you. And don't pretend like yours isn't attacking me at all... Which they most definitely are right now"

"Calm down, big dog! I don't think our bedroom can handle one more session of chase!"

And with that, I shut the door and strolled over to turn the shower on.

In the shower I took some time to think about my new life.

Luke was truly a blessing and he made all my fears and ghosts go away. He filled the broken parts of me in ways I never imagined would be possible. He loved me more than I could ever fathom love being like.

I liked our home, our friends and our relationship. Although I missed my family and Liam, I knew that this would be my future and I was more than happy for it to be exactly that.

I was excited to make memories with Luke and my new family. Thrilled to finally have someone to bare witness to my life.

I washed my hair with my favourite strawberries and cream shampoo. Washed my body and watched in the indoor mirror as the soap got washed away...

My hair was long and hung mid waist, my body was perfectly toned and tanned from all my training, I wasn't exactly skinny nor was I chunky... I was what people would call 'curvy in all the right places'.

My eyes wqndered down to my thighs, covered in scars from when I used to cut, Luke had told me that they were beautiful, but I hated every single one of them. I hated the fact that I had made them. I hate that losing Marcus made me cut into my skin with anything sharp I could find. But most of all, I hated that I enjoyed creating them.

I saw flashes of black and white invading my vision as the earth's gravity opened its jaws to engulf me as a whole.

Suddenly the door to the bathroom burst open, the shower door almost getting ripped off its hinges and I got pulled into a hard naked chest which sent goosebumps across every inch of my skin... Luke.

"Shh baby. Shh Calm down. Please relax. I'm here..." He whispered as he tried to soothe me and that's when I let go once more, the tears streaming down my face. But this time it wasn't going to be just crying, this time it would involve something I would never forget yet thought I would never feel again.

Count Lexi, count! One...



I felt trapped as if I was in a small room with tall walls closing in on me. It stopped me in my tracks, cornering me with panic and clawing at my skin, seeping in through the cracks before setting in. My heart beat fastened as cold chills ravaged my body like an unwanted visitor. Sweat dripped from my brow as my hands and feet began feeling numb and heavy. The taste of metal lingering in my mouth was bittersweet as my ears rang and everything was just too loud while I struggled for oxygen.

My breath was stuck in my throat and it felt as if that single breath I held was burning through my lungs and throat like acid. I tried to gasp for oxygen but nothing happened so I ended up having to count once more.


Why is this happening to me?


My mind will kill me one day.

"Breathe Lexi, please calm down. I love you, ple-"

I wish I didn't care and that it didn't feel like that. But I do, and it did! And it would for a long time.

I tried to reach out. But I was slowly sinking into a pit of darkness. Scrambling for a hand and begging for someone to pull me out of its depths but nobody listened as everything went black...

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