Thirty Six

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The girl with the fire.

The girl with the fire.

The girl with the fire.

Is dead.” My wolf said in a bored tone.

Delilah had been a thorn in my paw growing up... But it was crazy even for her to take her own life after rejecting Zak.

Her brothers carried her body now draped in a white gown, her black hair braided with beautiful wildflowers and her skin glowing gold, towards her grave.

Our burial ceremonies differed from others.

We believed in the Goddess and that we were born from the forest, our bodies bound to return to the earth in a most treasured manner.

White mirroring purity.

Wildflowers mirroring the wild spirit of one’s most loyal friend - our wolves and gold to show a treasured life.

Not all received the honour of a ceremony like the one playing out before me.

But those who didn’t; were corrupt.

An offering to Hades.

I stood around the round hole in the ground, watching everyone I know throw dandelions into the air over her body as it was lowered into the earth.

And you’re probably wondering why our graves are not a two-by-six foot hole in the ground like yours...

Ours represent the circle of life.

Delilah’s face looked still, unchanging, immortalized even and more peaceful than I have ever seen it be.

She was fierce. Collected. Sure. Just. And although dangerous, she was still loved.
Even by me.

She might not have been my friend, but for most of my childhood, she was my inspiration.

And although her death was a puzzle I was itching to solve, she was the least of my worries.

The disappearance of Zak’s family and the note left behind was my worry.

I read it repeatedly, but it made no sense.

It’s a riddle.” My wolf smirked.

It read: “I am your best friend during sorrows and happiness and when you are alone; you spend your time with me.

It meant someone took them.

Stole them.

After the ceremony, I returned to my old home.

Zak was currently pacing up and down while chewing on his lip as I sat by my kitchen counter, trying to solve the note.
Then it clicked.

“What were her hobbies?” I questioned.

“What?” he said, releasing his lip as he snapped out of his daze.

“What were London’s hobbies?”

“Well, she enjoyed painting a lot. But she stopped when Evey was born.” he shrugged.

“So that can’t be it...”

“She enjoyed playing the piano too.”

“When last did she play?”

“About a month ago... I don’t know.”

“Let’s go check the pack auditorium just in case.”

“In case of what?”

“In case she’s there. The building is almost abandoned cause everyone’s focusing on training for the overflow of Rogue attacks lately. Maybe she wanted silence and left you this.” I lied.

I knew she was taken.

But the abandoned auditorium sounded like a good place to hide a person. And of course to play some sick joke in using one’s love against them.

“I hope we find her, Lexi. I may have found and lost my mate... But London’s still the love of my life.” his eyes desperate as he looked into my eyes.

After getting caught up by a couple of pack members welcoming me back home, we finally made it to the auditorium.

The place was covered in dust, a few cobwebs, and a darkness that my eyes just could not adjust to.

We were blinded towards what was ahead, the only light being that which flowed in through the stained glass window behind us.

“London?” Zak called, only to hear the flutter of bat wings answer his call. Zak yelped, wrapping his arms around me as he looked around him.

His eyes flit towards me, a grin playing at his lips as I attempted to stare at him to death.

“Get off me you wimp.” I huffed, slapping at his arms.

“I don’t like bats. Scary fucking creatures.” He shivered, warily looking around.

“And I don’t like being touched by people who smell like they need a shower.” I mumbled, clicking my fingers until a flame formed on the edge of my index finger.

The room lit up dimly, our shadows creepily dancing against the walls as we moved forward, Zak’s heavy breathing being the only sound.

“Allow your wolf to push forward enough to use his eyesight.” I ordered, nodding towards the darkness looming around us, only to have Zak nod in reply, his eyes glowing as he stepped forward.

We moved towards the stage, the dim light revealing a panel against the wall controlling the lights.

After clicking a few switches, the lights buzzed on.

One clicking a few times before it blew out.

Zak gulped, “I- I don’t l-l-like this p-place!” he whispered, not hiding his stutter one bit.

“Welcome to the club. Never liked this place either.” I sighed before blowing my flame out and pushing past him to behind the curtains.

A light flickered overhead as I moved around behind stage in search of London and Evelyn.

After about an hour of searching each stage level and hearing a few pathetic yelps of fear escaping Zak, I gave up my search.

“They’re not here.” I sighed, brushing dust off my sleeves before pulling a cobweb off my shoulder.

“We’ll never find them.” He mumbled, eyeing me sadly before tears visibly built up on the edge of his bottom eyelids.

“At least we’re looking for them.” I smiled.

“And we still found nothing.” He sobbed.

“Stop that!” I growled. I didn’t like my people getting hurt or going through pain, even if it was emotional and he kind of deserved it but London and Eve didn’t.

“What?” he shrugged.

“Being a pessimist!” I spat.

“Fine.” he sighed, looking to the ground, before wiping his tears away.

“What else did London like?”

“She enjoyed reading.” he smiled, his face lighting back up.

“Did she read a lot?”

“Yeah, she did.”

“Spend time in the pack library much?”

“Much would be an understatement. She lived there.” he chuckled.

“Then I think we have our answer...”

“To what?” he questioned, giving me a confused look.

“This.” I smirked, flicking the note towards Zak.

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